[Release] FiveM To Discord

Which version?

When did this happen?

Any way I can reproduce this?

Last version, idk if i can reproduce, but this script still have many bugs, the player id is incorect or random, spam the chat when someone die.

Seems like you are the only one who has this problemā€¦
Also you couldnā€™t provide any prove showing this, except this one screenshot which has several hours between the messages.

That shouldnā€™t happen anymore, it was resolved :thinking:

About the error message, you didnā€™t add the new config lines to your config.luaā€¦

Please compare the new config.lua with your config.lua and add what is new

You are a genious ok in my opinion. I have this in and it works great for meā€¦ thank you for making this

Thank you for your feedback :blush:

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your very welcome. the only thing I had trouble with was changing the avatar but I figured out what I did wrong.

If it is something that I can change/improve that everyone can benefit from it, please tell me.

Nice plugin. Thank you for sharing this.

However, when you kill a person it only says he died, with no killer. The rest works fine. :slight_smile:

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I just started using this today, I love how you provided links to tutorials that show how to set up the scripthook. Great job! The only issue I am having is this: Am using a local/global chat script where only people near you can see what you are typing, you have to type /g before the message for it to be seen globally. When players type /g then their message it does not show up on the discord channel.

Do you have a link to this resource, so I can check it out real quick?

@Flatracer Unfortunately, I do not. A developer made it not too long ago for our server. I was told the bot is listening for an event handler called chatMessage, and that commands donā€™t go through a chatMessage event anymore they are through RegisterCommand.

Its called localcchat by Sighmir

@BradXY No it isnā€™t, it is a one off script written by a friend. It may be similar, but it is not the same.

Lol the code may be different but the function is exactly the same, only people around u can see the message and you must type /g for a global message. And sigs /g does not show up in this discord script. Exact same function. Maybe he can use that to provide you a solutionā€¦

Hmmm maybe my ā€œfriendā€ didnā€™t write that script afterall. Thanks for the correction.

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Is there a way to get the player image when calling the webhook from another recourse?

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No, but i may add this later today

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Iā€™ve added the webhook urls but when i do /911 nothing happens and the /911 gets printed in the chat.