[Release][ESX] [Vangelico Robbery] V 2.0.0 / 2019 SEPTEMBER 02

Thanks, I’ve got the interior now, but its not triggering the robbery, will try to find out why

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Where set cooldown? after finishing I can rob you again. PLS

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So im trying to give jewels selling rewards black money instead of money
Can you tell me whats wrong?

local xPlayer  = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local JewelsQuantity = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('jewels').count

			if JewelsQuantity < 20 then 
				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('notenoughgold'))
                xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('jewels', 20)
				xPlayer.addInventoryItem('black_money', math.random(100,250))

It’s not an item. Changed the code for you!

local xPlayer  = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local JewelsQuantity = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('jewels').count

			if JewelsQuantity < 20 then 
				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('notenoughgold'))
                xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('jewels', 20)
				xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', math.random(100,250))

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes sence… dude thanks a lot

Anyone fix this script? If people enter the sell circle then immediately run away, they continue to sell.

I will fix it

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Thank you man!

The alarms of paramedics do not respond. any solution?

Might want to add “mysql-async” and “es_extended” to dependencies

someone clearly doesnt know how to use loops

Any update?

I’d really like to see a cool down on the robbery. Anyone think that would be possible?

Im having the same issue of not being able to trigger the robbery

I was trying to code that, but there are some bugs which I couldn’t fix. It needs rebuilding the script, but unfortunetaly I couldn’t do it.
Mayby someone will do it

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yeah i keep falling through the floor, ever find a fix?

yes! get bob74_ipl … its the map fix for holes.

Thank you! Legend! Appreciate it

Does anyone know how to make AI police also start once robbing the store? Sometimes my server is pretty empty so having it call 5 star wanted would be nice. Would also push the seriousness of the theft

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Possible this in vRP?