[Release] esx_menu_default edited to looks like gtaonline

Would love to know how ya got those icons.

Hod do i disable menu for shoping only

Hey iĀ“m having a problem with this can anyone help me. Like this Font is buggi

I got this working again by changing the app.js in html/js from this

'<div id="menu_{{_namespace}}_{{_name}}" class="menu{{#align}} align-{{align}}{{/align}}">' +
			'<div class="head"><span>{{{title}}}</span></div>' +
				'<div class="menu-items">' +
					'{{#elements}}' +
						'<div class="menu-item {{#selected}}selected{{/selected}}">' +
							'{{{label}}}{{#isSlider}} : &lt;{{{sliderLabel}}}&gt;{{/isSlider}}' +
						'</div>' +
					'{{/elements}}' +
			'</div>' +

to this

'<div id="menu_{{_namespace}}_{{_name}}" class="menu{{#align}} align-{{align}}{{/align}}">' +
			'<div class="head_{{{css}}}"><span></span></div>' +
				'<div class="menu-items">' +
					'{{#elements}}' +
						'<div class="menu-item {{#selected}}selected{{/selected}}">' +
							'{{{label}}}{{#isSlider}} : &lt;{{{sliderLabel}}}&gt;{{/isSlider}}' +
						'</div>' +
					'{{/elements}}' +
			'</div>' +

And also make sure you have the images loaded in the fxmanifest or resources file either one you are using.
Should look something like this, (Mine will not work for you as i have my own images i have made.)

files {

Can you upload the config for ammunation? i donā€™t get thisā€¦