[Release] [ESX] loffe_robbery

I got image for 14 days for no reason so yeah, Ill make the update in 14 days ):

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Awesome, cant wait, take ur time.

also, the previous posted bugs where everyone gets notified, multiple bags spawned etc etc, those are going to be fixed aswell?

everyone gets notified?

multiple bags is when 2 people pick up the bag at once, i think i can fix it without even playing fivem :smiley: but someone needs to test it for me :slight_smile:

alright, if you ever need someone to test stuff out, just reach out to me :slight_smile:

post it here and anyone can try and test it or dm me?

Please try to fix that and then we can test for you :blush:

this is awesome! any chance the config could toggle it to dirty money? thanks dude.

Here is the new version, I haven’t had much time to test it so I hope you guys can test it for me and tell me the bugs :smiley:

(no more esx required, go to functions.lua to change to your framework (: @sgtherbzz)

gonna mention the ones that maybe wanna test it so you see that its updated :smiley: @Poppy @KingAlmond @SpikE_Odets

loffe_robbery.zip (5.0 KB)

just tested it it seems to be still allowing more than one robber + giving each person money, also not sure but when the server started no NPC spawn, then we restarted the script and 2 spawned.

You sure you downloaded the one I uploaded in the comment and not the one on github? Because I know for sure that 2 cant get money

we’ll be testing it heavily in a few hrs, we got pd training going on but from a first glance something seems off, ill reply back soon hopefully

Yo Loffe, would you be able to add a config for increasing/decreasing the time it takes to rob? It’s a fantastic script, the only complaint anyone has on our server is that cops don’t have time to react. I’d love if instead of 30 seconds it took about 60-90 seconds.

I tried messing with some of the variables but I can’t figure out if it’s even making a difference. Only thing I was able to do was increase the time before it actually gives the cash, but it looked strange.


Ofc, I can do that in the final version. I’d recommend you to do this: [Release] [ESX] loffe_robbery and also take a look at this: https://github.com/Loffes/loffe_robbery/blob/f49fceb39677caf099ca387a2a884302437759b7/client.lua#L264

change all sleep = x to sleep = higher value

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where I can change how many cops to do this?

oh it’s doesn.y matter. I found it! thank for the topic

hey there i tried this and worked great only issue i had is when i went to get the bag of money i got a resourse warning everytime i walked next to the bag to pick it up .anything i can do to solve that?

Your recent fix is working as intended, sorry for the confusion. We had a duplicate resource running.

slight issue with the networking of peds being passed, we are working it out

Hello, I like your new release. It’s possible to give blackmoney for this ?


Cops doesent seem to get alarmed anymore on the new update

replace 199 - 214 of the client lua with:

    while true do
        for i = 1, #pickups do
            local bag = pickups[i]['object']
            if DoesEntityExist(bag) then
                if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityCoords(bag), true) <= 1.5 then
                    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'ROBBERY_MONEY_TOTAL', 'HUD_FRONTEND_CUSTOM_SOUNDSET', true)
                    TriggerServerEvent('loffe_robbery:pickUpPickup', pickups[i]['id'])