i have one problem when i startet the script i have no weapon

Clear cache

You need to change

while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)


while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do

PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()


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Whenever I use a parachute it deactivates it and plays the “put gun back” animation. Leading to me losing the chute and fall to death. What do i have to change in the script to avoid this?

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you cant have any weapons on your character while parachuting…not sure if theres a fix for this. Just clear your loadout before skydiving

There is another ‘holster’ script here, where you can have all your weapons with you. I want to jump down as special force and if I land without a weapon the bad guys could find that very amusing. :smiley:

Has anyone converted this to function without ESX?


is there a way to edit script so you can have 2 weapons on your back

please answer him! :smiley:

Im just going to go ahead and say this. If you can’t remove the ESX from this script then you probably should not be running a server. ESX is not heavily implemented in this script and it should only take a min or two to remove it. Its honestly hilarious how many people come in here and cant remove it. I guess only the worthy will use this script without ESX… or someone willing to spend a very minute amount of time learning the basics of Lua.

I’m just going ahead and say this. What an amusing and absolutely non existing correlation between having knowledge of ESX and deserving to run a server. That’s almost adorable. The minute you used for writing that text could have been used to get rid of the ESX part - according to you. Spend learning manners, will help you more.

It still doesnt work for me I just copied and pasted this

while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do

PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()


Is that correct or am I still wrong?

Wondering how I could get rid of the rifle racking portion instead of the holster

Hi, it could be me being an idiot but Ive installed on my server could anyone help me with the config settings? I cant seem to get things to work I want the weapons on back, not able to draw large weapons and such but the weapons do not go on your back, the /holster seems to work but you can just select whatever weapon you want on the weapon wheel with no animation, I did try changing some things from false to true but still doesnt work, whats everyone settings?

I’ve modified this resource and made it non-esx for those who want that. I’ve also added more to the config and changed some little stuff to make it work smoother.

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I guess some inventories won’t work. for some reason Chezza’s inventory won’t work with this incase someone can’t pull out their weapons from weapon wheel.

How do I remove the quickdraw or make it not have a keybind? Z is already in use and I don’t need it.

Just Replace This:

AddEventHandler(‘esx:setJob’, function(job)
PlayerData.job = job

With That:

AddEventHandler(‘onResourceStart’, function(job)
PlayerData.job = job

That fixxed it for me

Is there a way to change holster model? I have new EUP and want my holster (Chain 13) in the holster script but when I change smthn in the script it most likely wont work -_-