[Release] EssentialMode base

Maybe don’t use it if you can’t.

@Axiom @Divians https://youtu.be/aIDNq8nFkNI
Your welcome

Is there any way to get the local players’ permission level on the client?

Is there weapon, car, loadout scripts that work with this version? Help alot of us out here

thanks for this vid… couldnt be clearer

Can you show me how ?

So basically i followed the tutorial provided by digitalocean to install couchdb and im certain the couchdb install is correct. When i use the curl command i can see the essentialmode db and everything. The only thing that seems wrong is when i try and give me access to the futon from my local pc it gives me a refused connection error… but when i try and give access to an other vps of my it works… I already messages digital ocean about this so we’ll see what happens with that.

this is my config file

ip = "" -- Change to wherever your DB is hosted.
port = 5984 -- Change to whatever port you have CouchDB running on
auth = "root:xxxx" -- "user:password", if you have auth setup

So i launch my server right…

When i connect to it

From there I’m not sure what to do exactly I’m hoping one of you has been through this and could help me out a little.

hello, I’m new to lua. so ignore me if you want but I have hosted c+ and csharp based gamed before so I’m not totally helpless, I have set up couch db, now how do I go about running another sql into the database such as es_weashop

any support is much appreciated

The author of the plugin moved from CouchDB to Mysql. And you can’t get essentialmode 2.x and other plugin devs are not going to move their plugins to 3.0.

As of this moment, no. Unless you know someone that can re-write everyones plugins to work with couchdb.

Where do I find the SQl file?

The new version doesn’t use SQL therefore, it doesn’t have an SQL file. Please read the original post.

I only have access to an SQL database.

Well, it doesn’t look like you can use this addon then…

Appreciate the help.

I don’t wanna start a war, but IMO making the older version of ES completely unavailable was a mistake. Most servers and addons still use MySQL. Of course, CouchDB is somewhat easier to set up and use, but we should still be able to get ES 2 at least until most of the addons are working under NoSQL…

It’s a shame there’s no “dislike/disagree” button :slight_smile:

The older version of EssentialMode broke the server with stuff like session splitting because of the implementation. This lead a (mind my language) sh*t ton of people asking for help with it and, still do, asking why they’re the only person in the server. Moving away from this and implementing the better solution (using async requests to couchDB) fixes these issues.

TL;DR: The old version is broken so, distributing it would just cause more issues. Hence why Kane has asked people not to distribute it.

If you really want to use SQL have a look at the “async SQL lib”.

I’m not saying otherwise! I also had trouble setting a 5M server with MySQL (Don’t say my database doesn’t exist, I have it right under my eyes. :expressionless:) and since ES uses CouchDB, it works like a charm.

Also yes, forgot that distributing older versions of ES could cause more confusion. Apologies, it’s been a really though day.

I’ve installed the addon now and CouchDP but I get stuck on initialising session when I try join.

I’ve installed the addon now and CouchDP but I get stuck on initialising session when I try join.

I guess you installed fs_freeroam? If so, edit the __resource.lua file in /resources/fivem-map-skater (or fivem-map-hipster, depending on which one you chose) to this:

resource_type 'map' { gameTypes = { fs_freeroam = true } }