[Release] ELS FiveM | Server Sync | Lights | Sirens | Custom Patterns

I don’t really like Luxart cause its not as cool and a lot of the cars are els now so its hard to find good cars that are non els.

Takedown key doesnt work

I figured out why the AI don’t move over. They do if your vehicle has the default names like Police, Police2, etc. My server runs with names that are not GTA5 named. Is there a fix to this?

What stage are you in when they don’t pull over

Only problem im having is the vehicle keeps fixing when its in Code 3. (guessing its fixed but not released yet)

Does anyone know how to use this to stream the xml files so they aren’t client side and utilize the luxart script instead of these controls or can someone tell me how to change the controls so they mirror the luxart controls using the dpad please?

its all stages. I have lights and sirens going. It works for our default ambulance and firetruck because they are default values but the police cars with their own spawn names dont work with pulling over AI and they constantly ram into us

yes and yes
(20 Characters)

Everyone has that problem at any stage right now.

Look at the els scripts because I know they fixed it in the single player one.

I just installed and we are absolutely loving it. However, im noticing the lights work great at first, but they eventually just give out and seem to almost go crazy and not flash right. I have to restart the resource or turn them off for a while. Any idea on how this could be? No errors in console.

Add: I also realize its breaking the vehicles for some odd reason (i use realistic damage script)
The bug with the lights only happen when more than one person has lights turned on in the game. I can switch patterns all day no problem, but once someone else has their lights on, and i switch patterns, it ruins both of ours.

No shit Sherlock. Look at my discord and you’d see I’m waiting for a fivem update.

salty af. Discord on my end isnt working and which update then.

Not really, maybe it is just because you cannot read?


Thank you so much for this. We are currently in the process of testing etc…Appreciate the work you and the others have put into this! :smiley:


When 1 or more cops cars are near a car with lights the lights start speeding up hella fast to the point its unreal.

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i just want to make it clear since i new to this stuff all i have to do is add this file to my resource folder correct?

This is not an els issue, this is a vehicle.meta issue, make sure the vehicle type is set to emergency type

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Trust me they already are.

I’m having the same issue, I’ve replicated it with multiple different vehicle so it’s definitely not a vehicle.meta issue.