[Release] DOJ Like Fix vehicle command

Yes Essentialmode is installed

es_admin2? Because I have had 5 people test it and it works.

this doesnt work for me either it shows that its started but when i type /fix nothing happens

Are you in a vehicle and is it disabled.

i am in a vehicle and how do i know if its disabled ?

Either disabled or damaged. Just do /fix.

I will add a vehicle proof In a second.

just tried again i press t /fix but nothing happens

Let me take a look at this.

ok thanks i had trouble with it starting at first but restarted the server a few times then it started but now just cant use it if thats any help

Strange I have just had 2 people test it and it works. Watch the video up above make sure you are doing it right.

im doing the same as in the video but it wont fix it is there any other mods i should have on my server atm this is the only mod i have and dont know whether that is why it wont work

No it doesn’t require essentialmode or anything.

i will try to redownload the mod and see if it fixes it

Okay I have removed all the resouces, and it still works.

If you want to write it yourself here is the code


resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

client_script {

-- Designed by Lucifer


RegisterCommand("fix", function()
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    if (DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(ped)) then
        if (IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(ped)) then
            local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn( ped, false)

            if (GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == ped) then
                SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 1000)
                SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, true, true)
end, false)

-- Designed by Lucifer

fixed it now dude on the downloader it didnt give me the server.lua just client.lua and _resource.lua but when i redownloaded it it gave me the server.lua tried it and it works fine now thanks dude great mod

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No problem, enjoy. Edit it how you like.

That was my problem also, I just downloaded it again and I see it, Lucifer just so you know the main download does not have the server.lua but the other one does, you might wanna fix that

There, I’ve done it.

So now /fix works, but you can use it anywhere and it fixes it instantly it does not take 15seconds