[RELEASE] Death timer

i made a command too but if someone use the command, he will restart from Los Antos Hospital, the one near the Davis SD ,near the Court Hall.

it actually works pretty well , nicely done

New update : Took out the Start timer command , the script starts the timer , that’s set to 5 minutes ( Everyone can set his own server default timer )
Ragdoll Disabled when Death Event is going on ( Still triggering, but puts you back in the Hurt position , unable to move)
Invincible player untill you respawn or someone revive’s you .
Disabled Godmode for everyone ( You will not need the nogodmode script anymore )
To do untill next releae :

Add blip on map for 5 minutes when you die with Call system…
Setup teams structure ( Civ , Cop , Paramedic )
Paramedics Priority call for dead Cops
Option to decrease death timer for cops to half ( 150 Seconds ) and respawn them on station ( If they revoke the paramedic option )

[MAYBE] - BIG MAYBE : Including the Outlaw Allert System and create a dispatch system that can take the outlaw allerts, paramedic allerts and assign them automaticly to Out from call paramedics ( That would need a On call system )


amazing work hbk cant wait when u release it :slight_smile:

Awesome script thank you @hbk ! Did you think it possible to disable the respawn or something like that to don’t have the respawn animation and the teleport back after this on the position. I would like when the guy die the ragdoll is activate and maybe he can choose between respawn when he press a touch or just wait for the paramedics.

Thank you for this nice work again !

(EDIT): Maybe is it possible to modify this line for appear in the “Social Notifications” above the map ?

TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "[INFO]", { 255,0,0}, "Wait for paramedics to resurect you.")

I tried to replace with this but it’s not correct.

SetNotificationMessage("CHAR_SOCIAL_CLUB", "CHAR_SOCIAL_CLUB", true, 1, "Wait for paramedics to resurect you");
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Good idea Tospik :slight_smile:

Maybe respawn at the hospital would be great too for RP Servers :slight_smile: With a Hospital Patient skin too :slight_smile: I’ll try to find how I can make this one, but just a really beginner in script :slight_smile:

Love your work guys !

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Thanks, I appreciate it ! For the hospital yes it will be really good too for RolePlay, some servers take the bathrobe for the patient ouftit.

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    while true do
        local plyPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1),  true)
        if IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then 
            NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(plyPos, true, true, false)
            ragdol = 1
            DisableControlAction(2, 303, true)
            DisableControlAction(2, 246, true)
                TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "[INFO]", { 255,0,0}, "blablabla")

If you delete the timers on “Wait” you will not respawn and be teleport after, I prefer this version so I share it with you ! :slight_smile:


no , its related to events, i have the TP back to hospital in the Death Cooldown event, i will take it out.

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hi, How to disable the U and Y keys ? thx

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if you want a shownotification use it like i have it in the drop, take the function and add it.

Hello :slight_smile:
Why I don’t respawn after 5 minutes of death’s waiting ?

because i didn;t finished, i am still at 90% but eastern and a recent hacking in my servers got all my time, i will finish ASAP and release it.


not sure if already working on this but can u make it so it notifies people nearby that the person is disabled, and also when I die people see me standing instead on the ground maybe it’s some sync issue. thanks

Is it possible to disable ragdoll key on the controller, because it is so annoying getting out of my car and immediately falling down and having to use the /heal command on myself.

Did you do any changes with the script ? Updated or not ?

wish it was ragdoll on death and taze only and using /heal ID

Hey there, has the script been updated yet?

today it will be updated


Are we able to have only a specific job to only use the /revivep command? if so is there anyone that could give me some guidance on how to go about this.