[Release] Custom Voice & Status Bars [ESX]

What is the problem?

Can you share your bars with qalle basicneeds and status and voice?

Maybe. Ill have to think about it. But it has to be after christmas then. Dont have the time now sorry


I Will share it later but just because its christmas

Here you go guys

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Hello Nyxon you Status bars don´t work for me because you Custom voice work.
Sorry for my English.

Do you have esx_basicneeds?. Try installing mine otherwise

no this don´t work because I have esx_basicneeds

Type resmon 2 in F8 console and look so there arent 2 esx_status on. To close it again you just type resmon false

I type resmon 2 then resmon false and this don´t help

I repair this I type on the chat /heal and this help :smiley:

Good :slight_smile:

hey is there any way to get the poo meter up again cuz it kills people when its not up

Yeah. Poop. It should fill. If it dont you have done something wrong

i have fixed it nevermind

The image is not showing reality, can you give me css file that contains screenshot position?

Under the map

is there a way to move the "voice " text up up?

You mean the bar?