[Release] Custom Voice & Status Bars [ESX]

Hello, I want to share with you my script that I have on the server for a long time and found that it will be nice if it will be shared for the wider community.

These scripts are not written in 100% by me, I’ve just rewritten them and embellished them.
Have fun :smile:



All in README file.

Original files

If you have any issues or comments please put them below.
Sorry for my bad english


Where is it located?

I the css file.

In relation to other HUD component, like minimap, etc. That image doesn’t really show it very well. Might wanna update it to an image that shows where the bar is located instead of what the bar includes.

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The bar is under the map and stamina or health bars :wink:

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cool good job m8

Please add a image so we can see how it looks (iknow you have posted one but) post one so we can see how it looks and where it is

Thanks :slight_smile: I will post one more tomorrow.

Is it easy to add pee and poop bar to this?

What did you change to esx_voice exactly ?
what is the heal = 50 for ?

The voice is in the right side bar.

but how you know if you are shouting or just speaking normal? there is no way to see your voice style :frowning: it would be nice to have moving voice bar showing how loud your voice style is like its small when whisper and full bar when shouting :smiley:

Yes the bar changes when you change voice type. And when you are speaking the color of bar changes

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I think the key is F11 but i could be wrong. You can change it in client main.

Solved it. Nice script. Thanks for sharing.


Im a little confused on how to actually get the bars to move. Can someone possibly assist me? TIA

Its esx_basicneeds that has that function

No offense I am just offering advice, you don’t need to do all the NUI stuff to make this, you can use then DrawRect native. It is alot easier. :man_shrugging:


Is there a way i could put esx_status and esx_voice into same file?

I’m using pee and poop someone can help me?

The longest bar is shout. Lowest the smallest etc.