[Release][C#] FiveM Queue

Has anyone had an issue where after the queue kicks in it changes the server name to defaultfx?

Move this line above where you start your resources in server.cfg or at least above where you start the queue resource.

sv_hostname "Your Server Name"

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Is there an ace permission I can add to users to set their priority to that amount?

To clarify, I see the “q_reserved_type_2_slots” options, what is needed to set a user as type 2?

q_addreserve <license> or <steam> 2


That’s an ace or a command?

This is a command you can do from the server console, or in game if you have the queue admin group assigned to you.


q_addreserve 833g50qqa4e620arq2a937312rt9b5g050d2ew54 2

q_addreserve 11000050888sg23 2

That was my understanding. My question was if there was an ace permission I can give which I assume based on this, there isn’t. I’ll go ahead and figure something out.

Nah, at this moment it is all in permission based commands. What you’re really after is an easier way to interface / interact with the whole list of people that have reserved queue accounts and/or priority opening it up to be better controlled by other resources or some control panel you use outside of game I think. I will release a database driven version when I’m finished working on another project I have on the go. Database to replace JSON files has been pretty high on the priority list for some time now. I will retain the JSON approach version for those servers that choose to keep it simple.

Right so the way I have my community setup is my website automatically syncs roles to ace permission groups, meaning website group a -> group.groupa for example. Using ACE it would be easier for me to integrate with my current workflow automating the giving and removal of permissions.

We tested the ban command and i got permanatly banned and my friend cant unban me

This needs to be done from server console or ingame F8 or chat command.

q_removeban <licenseID> or <steamID>

If that doesn’t work I’m not sure why, it’s been tested enough times and included since version 1 without change. You could just delete the .json file associated with your identifiers. licenseID-steamID.json as well. If the server is running while you delete that file you would need to wait until it’s restarted. Executing the command on the console requires no restart.

hey, i just set this queue on my server but i cant find how to set the grace time below 3 minutes, any help?
tried setting it to 2, 1 and 0 minutes but still goes to 3

In __configuration.cfg you have this setting for the re-connection grace time. If you change this while the server is running you need to issue the q_reloadconfig command from console or restart the server.

# The number of minutes allowed for accounts to reconnect after they disconnect or crash without going through the queue again.
# Any reserved slot they occupied is also held for them to reconnect with.
set q_reconnect_grace_time_limit 3

We maneged to fix it…but a side question about scripting if i may ask

pet, 3. svi 2019. 00:05 anders via FiveM thiscamefrom@fivem.net je napisao:

tried that, both ways… restarting server and running the q_reloadconfig command… none of them worked… any idea?

You should probably download the __configuration.cfg file from github again and replace your file locally with it. Then make changes again. The only thing I can think that would be happening in your case is it is failing to read the convar which could happen if you have something unexpected in that file that prevents it from getting to that line.

In the case where a convar cannot be read it will instead use the default, which is set at 3.

graceTime = API.GetConvarInt("q_reconnect_grace_time_limit", 3);

I think there’s a big glitch/bug with script right now. Currently you can skip any queue on any server that is using this script. If a dev is interested, please message me asap. I don’t want to explain details here and spread that bug even more.
Not a joke, already managed to skip on three different servers. And I think it kinda breaks the whole server maxclients(32). After I used this method, later most of the players starts getting: (Could not connect to session provider. This may happen when you recently updated, but other players in the server have not. Alternately, the server accepted you, despite being full. Please try again later, or try a different server.)

05/17/2019 - Release Updated to resolve an issue with deferred players passing through playerDropped unexpectedly. This is a recommended update for any server using the resource. Thanks to Tapsu_Z and Deluix for discovering and reporting that players were using this exploit.

Link to latest release and source code in the original post.

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