[Release] bs-admin . Admin Commands

Im not really good with this code, how can I add myself as admin on my server?

Iv’e tried basically everything and nothing works. I made a login and it says login failed, and I tried steam and ip and still nothing. Can I get help?

hey dude did you get this error

Yeah i get that same error

what names are the files, make sure they dont have -master after them

I will today or tomorrow for you. I haven’t messed with FiveM in a while but I don’t want these plugins to fail on you guys. Sorry about the trouble.

It still doesn’t work and I removed them. I tried through steam, login and ip and none of them work. People are starting to join my server and I want to be able to do admin stuff

can you send me a screenshot of the error you are getting

“authType”: “steam”,
“authString”: “76561198135009999”,
“alias”: “Aegood”,
“flags”: “z”,
“immunity”: 10

thats what the admin.json file should look like
just replace your name and steam 64 with mine

Nevermind i got it. I put the wrong thing in the alias. Thanks for the Help!:smiley:

thats why i like this community

Actually it says ingame that i have flag z but i cant do any commands

are you sure you are typing the commands in correctly

yeah i am. Im using the commands from above

thats an error in command_triggers line 8

command_triggers.lua (2.1 KB)

thats what it should look like

I Put that in but it still won’t work

Thats the new error message