[Release] Bahama Mamas with working doors

Oh Hey,

I found it 5 minutes ago :smiley:

Can you sent me how did you do it?

hi man what’s the way to delete the door

hey can you send it to me ? thanks in advance

i want 2 :smiley: thanks in advance!

erm how Would one Convert this Script/Add Bahamas ect if anyone has a min

– Cell 3
objName = ‘v_ilev_ph_cellgate’,
objYaw = 90.0,
objCoords = vector3(462.7, -1001.9, 24.9),
textCoords = vector3(461.8, -1002.4, 25.0),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = true

-- To Back
	objName = 'v_ilev_gtdoor',
	objYaw = 0.0,
	objCoords  = vector3(463.4, -1003.5, 25.0),
	textCoords = vector3(464.0, -1003.5, 25.5),
	authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
	locked = true

To Add
Arch: v_ilev_ph_gendoor006
Pos: -1387.026, -586.6138, 30.49563
Rot: 0, 0, -0.2839777, 0.9588309

Door 2:

Arch: v_ilev_ph_gendoor006
Pos: -1389.212, -588.0406, 30.49132
Rot: 0, 0, -0.9581082, -0.2864065

	objName = 'v_ilev_ph_gendoor006',
	objYaw = 0.0,
	objCoords  = vector3( -1387.026, -586.6138, 30.49563),
	textCoords = vector3( -1387.026, -586.6138, 31.49563),
	authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
	locked = false
	objName = 'v_ilev_ph_gendoor006',
	objYaw = 0.0,
	objCoords  = vector3(-1389.212, -588.0406, 30.49132),
	textCoords = vector3(-1389.212, -588.0406, 31.49132),
	authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
	locked = false
1 Like

some reason i cant enter i get stuck at the entrance as if there was a door, is there an ipl i need to remove somewhere?

Hi!, using yout BahamaMama thing, its lovely, I’m not falling from the map on any spots, altho I do have an Issue, I’m stuck on getting the doors fully functional, since I’m planning on giving someone “ownership” of this place, and I need him to be able to fully lock it down…But the doors…giving me a headache.
Using this coordinates, as stated here:

objName = ‘v_ilev_ph_gendoor006’,
objYaw = 0.0,
objCoords = vector3( -1387.026, -586.6138, 30.49563),
textCoords = vector3( -1387.026, -586.6138, 31.49563),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = false
objName = ‘v_ilev_ph_gendoor006’,
objYaw = 0.0,
objCoords = vector3(-1389.212, -588.0406, 30.49132),
textCoords = vector3(-1389.212, -588.0406, 31.49132),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = false

Getting doors super buggy…they look like these:


How to set them correctly? TIA.

EDIT: Forgot mentioning, i showed them as locked, but on unlocked state, the right side one (from the outside view) is getting stuck against the plant prop too.

	textCoords = vector3(-1388.1, -587.3, 30.5),
	authorizedJobs = { 'admin' },
	locked = true,
	distance = 2,
	doors = {
			objName = 'v_ilev_ph_gendoor006',
			objYaw = 33.0,
			objCoords  = vector3(-1387.0, -586.6, 30.5)
			objName = 'v_ilev_ph_gendoor006',
			objYaw = 213.0,
			objCoords  = vector3(-1389.2, -588.0, 30.5)

Only change the job ‘admin’ to the correct job (or just pick the yaw)

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Thanks, super usefull.

great :slight_smile: bumping to top of forums