[Release] AI Tow Truck Script

That’s a shame! Are there any errors (F8)? Have you tried sitting inside the vehicle you want to tow and then doing /tow? Does the command appear in chat when you type it in?

so the truck just drives around?

We’ll make it so that you can choose what it does in the next version

sweet i love the script either way just general curiosity.

be col if you can set it to drop off at certain coords on the map, like at the tow yard

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My suggestions:

  • Include a safer driving style I can send you mine that is very cautious.
  • After pickup send the tow truck to the nearest impoud lot and drop it
  • A cancel command so if the tow gets stuck, you can remove him and try again.

I found a good distance to spawn them is 100-130 otherwise they seem to get stuck alot.

You could just leave the driving style in a reply here :wink: That way everyone can use it.

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I will get that:

Here you go:

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I am looking forward to trying this. May help alot

Maybe someone else can pull this off.

My thoughts are to implement this into ESX and the tow trucks charge people and store their vehicles in a impound garage


This is beautiful. The only thing I notice is that sometimes the tow guy doesnt pick up the vehicle. Maybe you could look into this but until then, it works great!

first… awesome script. I have used it numerous times to make good rp.
second… if there is a way to make it go to a certain location it would be great.
third… is there a way to change the spawn location in referance to the player. I ask because I have had it spawn in the alimo sea while being on baytree canyon

Updated to v1.2

Added /canceltow command.
Added option to delete the last Tow Truck. (See client.lua)
Changed the way the Truck spawns.


@KNOBs can i edit mine to make it so i can have the truck deliver it to an impound lot or junk yard (if los santos it will bring it to the los santos Impound lot located next to davis station i believe) (if in blaine county it will bring it to the junk yard and saved so it doesn’t delete it but adding an option to delete it from impound.)

You can edit it all you want. Just don’t upload it :wink:

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Removed the discord link. Not supposed to advertise servers in releases.

I believe the discord was support. Still unsure if it has to be removed though.

I am new to all this where do you install this ?

you place it in your resources folder of your server, and add the resource name to your server.cfg