[Release] ActionMenu [1.0.1] (Updated April 2018)

Hello, I would like this to work with esx in a way so i can open player inventory, car inventory, money, the police job menu and etc. except I am not sure how to go about it. Any ideas? Can i have it to trigger an already existing script? (also i want to do it where when i open it I would make it where instead of it opening the actual police menu that esx has, I want all the police menu functions put into the menu) I am sure it is possible cause i know there is a sub-menu thing i can make from I have read at least on the action menu. I am just asking for any tips, tricks, ideas or help on how I could do this. Thank you in advance!

I read a bit about the action menu and I heard that there is a sub-menu thing but I am not entirely sure how it works. I saw the very useful tutorial, but some more help would be greatly appreciated. Also is there a way/ where can i configure what part of the screen the menu shows up on? Also where can i change the color of the menu? Maybe how I can change font also or menu size or the spaces between the menu and those types of things?

its because you changed the name. the name must be wk_actionmenu unless you change it in the server
if your resource is called menu it should look like this

AddEventHandler('menu:cuffGranted', function(t)
	TriggerClientEvent('menu:getArrested', t)

AddEventHandler('menu:dragRequest', function(t)
	TriggerClientEvent('menu:toggleDrag', t, source)

AddEventHandler('menu:forceEnterAsk', function(t, v)
	TriggerClientEvent('menu:forcedEnteringVeh', t, v)

AddEventHandler('menu:confirmUnseat', function(t)
	TriggerClientEvent('menu:unseatme', t)

I have most of the functions I want to work except for a speed radar. Does anyone know how to add in WraithRS or a different radar?

yes! i cant help can help me? like what functions do you have but yes the radar is easy

I have the following: Emotes, cuff, handsup, hands up knees, adverts, vehicle options (lock system, windows up or down, door control) and weapon loadouts…

elseif ( data == "radar" ) then   -- police radar controller
 TriggerEvent( 'wk:radarRC' )
 <button class="menuoption" data-action="radar">police radar</button>

And have the actual radar script in your resources and run it as a regular resource, then the button will trigger it

Ok, thanks SolarFantom

No prob. (20 charrrrr)

So I have the button names created but where do I go to actually make the buttons work?

cl_action.lua (20202020)

hi hope your script is fun for everyone

Could you do a video showing how to add a new button which does something? Thank you.

I need someone that can make the action menu button stuff for me or teach me. Please

I need help, Cant get any of the buttons to work. my discord is Quincy YT#3700

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Can you send your html file and cl_action.lua file please.

how can i make a sub-menu invisible unless the player is a cop or something?


you could make a button that triggers another menu, so the it would be like

steamid or whatever

if (PlayerPed,1) is cfg.cops then
drawNotification("~r~ You are not a LEO!")

note: this will not work but it is an idea

ah yes I know about that though as i have seen from other menus. I was curious though if i could do something like a condition if a player is not a cop then it wouldn’t create the sub menu but if the player is a cop then it would create the sub menu