[RELEASE] Acid Trip

Im experiencing that “black screen” bug also. What is weird is that Its only in certain parts of the map. It may be a client-side graphical issue (Im going to uninstall my gfx mod and test, Ill let you know if anything interesting happens lol). I still have yet to leave a review on this release. Its great! Good job man. I added it to our civ menu and people love it! :heart:

Black screen bug???

It’s a bad trip dude!


No its definitely a bug. It doesn’t mind me or the members too much as yeah “It’s a bad trip dude!” is pretty much the thought process to most people that use it. Some still report the bug and i have been scrambling to fix it. I’m not getting anywhere though lol. Any help is much appreciated!

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Nice well done :))


Are you able to post a screenshot of this? I’m wondering if its the timecycle modifier stuck right at the point where it temporarily goes black screen…

Yep. I will get you a video sometime today.


First of all, amazing script. One of the funniest ive seen here.

As by that i want to use the script as a usable item. But whenever i use the item (exports[acidtrip]DoAcid) or just do “acid” as a command, the screen effects wont go on. And i see that when the camera shake goes om, the script uses 0.70ms, is there anything i can turn off in the script that causes this? (Seems like the ms goes up when running is rubberbanding)

Trip lasts 2 min with the command
RegisterCommand("acid", function(...) DoAcid(20000); end)
and lasts 2 min event when putting

That running rubber-band effect is part of the trip, I call that “recursion” :joy:
Best thing you can do to optimize this if you actually wanted to use it for something is considering drawing one Mario instead of two and considering lowering the overall floating cube count surrounding the player. These are really the only efficiencies in the script, as its blatant misuse of the drawbox function.

You can disable one of the two marios here:


You can lower the cube count here:

InitCubes = function()
  for i=1,50,1 do
    -- 50 being the cube count

As for the other issues with the export and command not working:
I found today that restarting the resource has some issues. Uncertain of why and not actively searching for a solution. If you have the resource started before the server starts, the /acid command and exports[“acidtrip”]:DoAcid(120000) have worked for me 100% of the time.

Uncertain of how to even replicate the black screen bug without a video or something…

Hey, just tried it and it seems that it worked with the ms.
But as said, i have problems with the screen effect. Heres a video on it.

any fix?

The timecycle should be coming on over time while the cubes spawn and expand… Sounds like another mod could be controlling this. Not sure if you’re even getting past the InitCube function aswell (probably low FPS… note: this does not explain the timecycle not appearing), try running it for 5 minutes or something and see what happens. vMenu might also interfere here, not sure on that one.

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alright. the server is onesync and we have a weather sync on the server. we do not have vMenu on the server. can try when i come home. have u seen my pm?

just tried it on a fresh FXServer, and no sucess… can i get the current version u have?

The version I use is pulled straight from github. I’ve got it working on three different servers, one running stupid high ESX mods count, one is custom framework with onesync, and the other is a basically empty server. It works as intended on all three for me.

Got me stumped here… You tried running it for 5-10 minutes, right? (300,000 - 600,000 ms)

yeah, just tried it and no screen effect…

Just cleared cache… no sucess. Tried it on a completly other PC and a other server. But no sucess. There must be something wrong.

its a litle buggy fore me aswell the efekt goes over to black and only the cubes are colored, but it loock freaky as fuck, lvoe it

Do you mind telling me how i can use this in one drug in my server ? ESX framework.
Nice release btw !

I mean, you’re not wrong.

so I love this script and have incorporated it into my ser but the “EvilPed” is visible to everyone whether they are on acid or not, anyway we could set the ped invisible to everyone but the person who is on acid?

also how can one turn down the volume on the music?