[Release] A President for all!

The menu is not active yet, wait for the update! : D

work couchDB and 3.2.3??

It’s up to you to make it compatible

Which website for ped component ??? link please

make a screenshot of map location please

Create an “interior” ( {-428.778,1111.61,327.689,130}’, ‘{136.172,-761.371,242.152,260}’, ‘Gouvernement’) )

Add blip in map.lua : {name=“Gouvernement”, id=419, x= -428.852, y= 1111.62, z= 327.687},


Which website for ped component ??? link please

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can someones show me how to convert sql to couch

So this is pretty much just a cop with the name president and fancy clothes?

The F5 menu is even the same as cops…

Please can you edit this to make it unique? Right now it just feels like a ripoff.

Curtis :slight_smile:

As written at the top of the publication, it’s a modification of the Kyomini font script. The update comes very soon :)!

Okay my dude, Make it great :smiley:

Oh yeah ! It will be great

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Compatible with La_Life now

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i wait next update :wink:

Hi, here you have to speak English.
Did you make the modification of the service points / garage?

It’s when you execute what?

@Lorfen @BrUnO_asesino
Speak english ahah, you will be pernament ban

The new update is coming soon!

what do you want to add ?
Tu veut ajouter quoi?