[Discontinued][Release][1.1.4] Scorpion Trainer (FlatracerMODs Edition)

I am not sure what your problem is, it is working without any problem for me.

how can i disable indicators and fps

To disable indicators, just outcomment this part:

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --Vehicle Indicators
	while true do
		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
		if IsControlPressed(1, 21) and IsControlJustReleased(1, 174) then --Left (A + DPAD Left) or (Shift + Arrow Keys - LEFT)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 1, true)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 0, false)
		elseif IsControlPressed(1, 21) and IsControlJustReleased(1, 175) then --Right (A + DPAD Right) or (Shift + Arrow Keys - RIGHT)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 0, true)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 1, false)
		elseif IsControlPressed(1, 21) and IsControlJustReleased(1, 173) then --Off (A + DPAD Down) or (Shift + Arrow Keys - DOWN)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 0, false)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 1, false)
		elseif IsControlPressed(1, 21) and IsControlJustReleased(1, 172) then --Both (A + DPAD UP) or (Shift + Arrow Keys - UP)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 0, true)
			SetVehicleIndicatorLights(playerVeh, 1, true)

or remove it. You will find it in the misc.lua.

Do deactivate fps, open the trainer.html with a texteditor. Find this line:

<p class="traineroption" data-action="misc drawfps" data-state="ON">Draw FPS</p>

and change the “ON” to “OFF”.

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nice trainer mod for scorpion Trainer like using it on my server but you should make a version for rp server

Thanks for your feedback.

About your request, no sorry, I avoid RP…
If someone needs it for RP they have to rewrite it their self.

what exactly is an RP version? its in lua, so if you’re adding stuff to your server this is super easy to edit/change. which is why its so nice. the LambdaMenu should be rewritten in lua no doubt. having cpp examples aren’t exactly great for new modders when we want people using NUI and lua

How do I install this? I have looked around but can’t find anything. I’m trying to create a server and have this mod in it but can’t figure out how to do it.

I think he means a ESMode Version

it would be a version that would just have vehicle spawning, player model changing and scenarios and guns that are realistic in roleplay

This is something you could do yourself. Just outcomment or delete what you don’t want in it and you are good to go.

I really like the “Delete Current Vehicle” function…
Can you add a key (Like DELETE) to one key delete vehicle???
And how to change the default open menu key to one key only???

Big thanks…

Check the main.lua to change the opening bind. But if you change it, the instuction Buttons won’t be correct anymore.

Add this to the bottom of you vehicles.lua for a vehicle delete shortcut

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --Delete Current Vehicle Shortcut
	while true do

		if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
			if IsControlPressed(1, 68) and IsControlJustReleased(1, 74) then --Pressing "Vehicle Aiming" Button and releasing "Vehicle Headlight" Button [If you didn't changed buttonbinds it should be "Right Click (Mouse)" and "H" by Default]
				if (fancy == true) then
					SetEntityVisible(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false, 0)
					SetEntityCoords(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 999999.0, 999999.0, 999999.0, false, false, false, true)
					FreezeEntityPosition(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), true)
					SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, 1)
					DeleteVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
					fancy = false
					SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, 1)
					DeleteVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
				drawNotification("~g~Vehicle Deleted!")

You are a good developer…
Enthusiastic to help others…
Really big thanks…

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Me again…
Is it possible to change the key to numpad???
Do you know the numpad key code???
I cant find it…


Of course, but the numpad only offers these controls: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

108 - INPUT_VEH_FLY_ROLL_LEFT_ONLY      --Numpad 4
109 - INPUT_VEH_FLY_ROLL_RIGHT_ONLY      --Numpad 6

111 - INPUT_VEH_FLY_PITCH_UP_ONLY      --Numpad 8
112 - INPUT_VEH_FLY_PITCH_DOWN_ONLY      --Numpad 5


Still no way to block controller input? :frowning:

Be nice if I could change car skins and Police addons like hats and glasses, outside of that this is realy Nice Thanks for sharing.

lol, you never asked me about that.

Back to your answer:
No, it is not possible afaik.

I am already working on more vehicle options

This is something i won’t do, because there is already a good menu for this somewhere in the forum.

Hi again Flace, we have been talking about teleporting in vehicle as a command, nevermind, i will use your edition of this menu, but…would be amazing if you tell me how to insert an extra button in teleport named “Teleport a player into my vehicle” so the persons teleports to your vehicle, can you? Thanks!!

Any Possibility of adding a Spectating option for Server admins. Teleportation to each player is not really good if the server has a Arrow or Number over your head when you are trying to just Administrate the server anonymously. It would be a very useful tool if you are able to add it.
