RAGE error: UNKNOWN 1s


Using canary? No
Windows version: W10
System specifications: i5-4690k, gtx1080


Operating system: Windows
**Artifact version:**1190
IP address: s1.cmgforums.com
Resources: 30-40
System specifications:
Server had around 55~ players at the time.


Summary: Many clients had timeout warning in the top left and then they all crashed, was around 10-20 players.
Expected behavior: Not to crash
Actual behavior: Doing nothing ingame and crashed, many other clients crashed too.
Steps to reproduce: n/a
Server/Client? Client
**Files for repro (if any):

Error screenshot (if any):

.dmp files/report IDs:
*CfxCrashDump_2019_04_20_20_27_19.zip (936.6 KB)

Any additional info:

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