[Question] Street Label help

How do you go from this https://gyazo.com/29fd1b39eaf7fe0fd859221fe5380c64
to this https://gyazo.com/2bd4303f7aaa84fc04d7cf7916570223
Could someone help?

Here’s a way to do it.

  • You would have to change the directions to your likings :wink:
local zones = { ['AIRP'] = "Los Santos International Airport", ['ALAMO'] = "Alamo Sea", ['ALTA'] = "Alta", ['ARMYB'] = "Fort Zancudo", ['BANHAMC'] = "Banham Canyon Dr", ['BANNING'] = "Banning", ['BEACH'] = "Vespucci Beach", ['BHAMCA'] = "Banham Canyon", ['BRADP'] = "Braddock Pass", ['BRADT'] = "Braddock Tunnel", ['BURTON'] = "Burton", ['CALAFB'] = "Calafia Bridge", ['CANNY'] = "Raton Canyon", ['CCREAK'] = "Cassidy Creek", ['CHAMH'] = "Chamberlain Hills", ['CHIL'] = "Vinewood Hills", ['CHU'] = "Chumash", ['CMSW'] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness", ['CYPRE'] = "Cypress Flats", ['DAVIS'] = "Davis", ['DELBE'] = "Del Perro Beach", ['DELPE'] = "Del Perro", ['DELSOL'] = "La Puerta", ['DESRT'] = "Grand Senora Desert", ['DOWNT'] = "Downtown", ['DTVINE'] = "Downtown Vinewood", ['EAST_V'] = "East Vinewood", ['EBURO'] = "El Burro Heights", ['ELGORL'] = "El Gordo Lighthouse", ['ELYSIAN'] = "Elysian Island", ['GALFISH'] = "Galilee", ['GOLF'] = "GWC and Golfing Society", ['GRAPES'] = "Grapeseed", ['GREATC'] = "Great Chaparral", ['HARMO'] = "Harmony", ['HAWICK'] = "Hawick", ['HORS'] = "Vinewood Racetrack", ['HUMLAB'] = "Humane Labs and Research", ['JAIL'] = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary", ['KOREAT'] = "Little Seoul", ['LACT'] = "Land Act Reservoir", ['LAGO'] = "Lago Zancudo", ['LDAM'] = "Land Act Dam", ['LEGSQU'] = "Legion Square", ['LMESA'] = "La Mesa", ['LOSPUER'] = "La Puerta", ['MIRR'] = "Mirror Park", ['MORN'] = "Morningwood", ['MOVIE'] = "Richards Majestic", ['MTCHIL'] = "Mount Chiliad", ['MTGORDO'] = "Mount Gordo", ['MTJOSE'] = "Mount Josiah", ['MURRI'] = "Murrieta Heights", ['NCHU'] = "North Chumash", ['NOOSE'] = "N.O.O.S.E", ['OCEANA'] = "Pacific Ocean", ['PALCOV'] = "Paleto Cove", ['PALETO'] = "Paleto Bay", ['PALFOR'] = "Paleto Forest", ['PALHIGH'] = "Palomino Highlands", ['PALMPOW'] = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station", ['PBLUFF'] = "Pacific Bluffs", ['PBOX'] = "Pillbox Hill", ['PROCOB'] = "Procopio Beach", ['RANCHO'] = "Rancho", ['RGLEN'] = "Richman Glen", ['RICHM'] = "Richman", ['ROCKF'] = "Rockford Hills", ['RTRAK'] = "Redwood Lights Track", ['SANAND'] = "San Andreas", ['SANCHIA'] = "San Chianski Mountain Range", ['SANDY'] = "Sandy Shores", ['SKID'] = "Mission Row", ['SLAB'] = "Stab City", ['STAD'] = "Maze Bank Arena", ['STRAW'] = "Strawberry", ['TATAMO'] = "Tataviam Mountains", ['TERMINA'] = "Terminal", ['TEXTI'] = "Textile City", ['TONGVAH'] = "Tongva Hills", ['TONGVAV'] = "Tongva Valley", ['VCANA'] = "Vespucci Canals", ['VESP'] = "Vespucci", ['VINE'] = "Vinewood", ['WINDF'] = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm", ['WVINE'] = "West Vinewood", ['ZANCUDO'] = "Zancudo River", ['ZP_ORT'] = "Port of South Los Santos", ['ZQ_UAR'] = "Davis Quartz" }

local directions = { [0] = 'N', [45] = 'Nw', [90] = 'W', [135] = 'Sw', [180] = 'S', [225] = 'Se', [270] = 'E', [315] = 'Ne', [360] = 'N', }

	while true do
		local MyPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
		local var1, var2 = GetStreetNameAtCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Citizen.ResultAsInteger(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger())

		for k,v in pairs(directions)do
			direction = GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed())
			if(math.abs(direction - k) < 22.5)then
				direction = v

		if(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1) and GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) and (IsPedInAnyVehicle(MyPed, false))) then
			if(zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] and tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)))then
				drawTxt(0.658, 1.462, 1.0,1.0,0.4, direction .. " ~y~ | ~w~" .. tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)) .. " ~y~ | ~w~" .. zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)], 255, 255, 255, 255)

function drawTxt(x,y ,width,height,scale, text, r,g,b,a)
    SetTextScale(scale, scale)
    SetTextColour(r, g, b, a)
    SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255)
    SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
    DrawText(x - width/2, y - height/2 + 0.005)

uhh do i just c and p that shit?

Yeah - Put it in a client.lua and you’re good to go :slight_smile:

where in the client.lua?

Well, you could make a folder called “streetnames” - Then make a client.lua witht the code, and make a __resource.lua, and then start it in your server.cfg :slight_smile:

what bout the config.lua?

Not needed?

what do i put in the __resource.lua?

that didnt work

@BubbleDEV what do i put in the __resource.lua

@BubbleDEV aight thanks it works, but how do i change the size? its really small

drawTxt(0.658, 1.462, 1.0,1.0,CHANGE THIS, direction …

In the drawtext - Change the 5th as shown above here ^^

https://gyazo.com/783df54605198c163d3194a289a295d1 in the blue one?

nvm i find out

thanks, LAST QUESTION, how do i make it so, its always there , instead of being in a car?

Remove this in the code:

and (IsPedInAnyVehicle(MyPed, false))

not working

You’re doing something wrong. If you want it to be shown all the time, your code should look something like this:

local zones = { ['AIRP'] = "Los Santos International Airport", ['ALAMO'] = "Alamo Sea", ['ALTA'] = "Alta", ['ARMYB'] = "Fort Zancudo", ['BANHAMC'] = "Banham Canyon Dr", ['BANNING'] = "Banning", ['BEACH'] = "Vespucci Beach", ['BHAMCA'] = "Banham Canyon", ['BRADP'] = "Braddock Pass", ['BRADT'] = "Braddock Tunnel", ['BURTON'] = "Burton", ['CALAFB'] = "Calafia Bridge", ['CANNY'] = "Raton Canyon", ['CCREAK'] = "Cassidy Creek", ['CHAMH'] = "Chamberlain Hills", ['CHIL'] = "Vinewood Hills", ['CHU'] = "Chumash", ['CMSW'] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness", ['CYPRE'] = "Cypress Flats", ['DAVIS'] = "Davis", ['DELBE'] = "Del Perro Beach", ['DELPE'] = "Del Perro", ['DELSOL'] = "La Puerta", ['DESRT'] = "Grand Senora Desert", ['DOWNT'] = "Downtown", ['DTVINE'] = "Downtown Vinewood", ['EAST_V'] = "East Vinewood", ['EBURO'] = "El Burro Heights", ['ELGORL'] = "El Gordo Lighthouse", ['ELYSIAN'] = "Elysian Island", ['GALFISH'] = "Galilee", ['GOLF'] = "GWC and Golfing Society", ['GRAPES'] = "Grapeseed", ['GREATC'] = "Great Chaparral", ['HARMO'] = "Harmony", ['HAWICK'] = "Hawick", ['HORS'] = "Vinewood Racetrack", ['HUMLAB'] = "Humane Labs and Research", ['JAIL'] = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary", ['KOREAT'] = "Little Seoul", ['LACT'] = "Land Act Reservoir", ['LAGO'] = "Lago Zancudo", ['LDAM'] = "Land Act Dam", ['LEGSQU'] = "Legion Square", ['LMESA'] = "La Mesa", ['LOSPUER'] = "La Puerta", ['MIRR'] = "Mirror Park", ['MORN'] = "Morningwood", ['MOVIE'] = "Richards Majestic", ['MTCHIL'] = "Mount Chiliad", ['MTGORDO'] = "Mount Gordo", ['MTJOSE'] = "Mount Josiah", ['MURRI'] = "Murrieta Heights", ['NCHU'] = "North Chumash", ['NOOSE'] = "N.O.O.S.E", ['OCEANA'] = "Pacific Ocean", ['PALCOV'] = "Paleto Cove", ['PALETO'] = "Paleto Bay", ['PALFOR'] = "Paleto Forest", ['PALHIGH'] = "Palomino Highlands", ['PALMPOW'] = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station", ['PBLUFF'] = "Pacific Bluffs", ['PBOX'] = "Pillbox Hill", ['PROCOB'] = "Procopio Beach", ['RANCHO'] = "Rancho", ['RGLEN'] = "Richman Glen", ['RICHM'] = "Richman", ['ROCKF'] = "Rockford Hills", ['RTRAK'] = "Redwood Lights Track", ['SANAND'] = "San Andreas", ['SANCHIA'] = "San Chianski Mountain Range", ['SANDY'] = "Sandy Shores", ['SKID'] = "Mission Row", ['SLAB'] = "Stab City", ['STAD'] = "Maze Bank Arena", ['STRAW'] = "Strawberry", ['TATAMO'] = "Tataviam Mountains", ['TERMINA'] = "Terminal", ['TEXTI'] = "Textile City", ['TONGVAH'] = "Tongva Hills", ['TONGVAV'] = "Tongva Valley", ['VCANA'] = "Vespucci Canals", ['VESP'] = "Vespucci", ['VINE'] = "Vinewood", ['WINDF'] = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm", ['WVINE'] = "West Vinewood", ['ZANCUDO'] = "Zancudo River", ['ZP_ORT'] = "Port of South Los Santos", ['ZQ_UAR'] = "Davis Quartz" }

local directions = { [0] = 'Nord', [45] = 'Nordvest', [90] = 'Vest', [135] = 'Sydvest', [180] = 'Syd', [225] = 'Sydøst', [270] = 'Øst', [315] = 'Nordøst', [360] = 'Nord', }

	while true do
		local MyPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
		local var1, var2 = GetStreetNameAtCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Citizen.ResultAsInteger(), Citizen.ResultAsInteger())

		for k,v in pairs(directions)do
			direction = GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed())
			if(math.abs(direction - k) < 22.5)then
				direction = v

		if(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1) and GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) then
			if(zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] and tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)))then
				drawTxt(0.658, 1.462, 1.0,1.0,0.4, direction .. " ~y~ | ~w~" .. tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)) .. " ~y~ | ~w~" .. zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)], 255, 255, 255, 255)

yup thats what i did