
I am trying to catch the playerSpawn event. From what I have read, playerSpawn is only available on the client side. Below is the code I am using but it doesn’t work…

namespace Client
    public class Client : BaseScript
        public Client()
            Tick += OnTick;
            EventHandlers.Add("playerSpawned", new Action<Player>(OnPlayerSpawn));

        private async Task OnTick()
            await Delay(100);

        private void OnPlayerSpawn([FromSource]Player player)
            TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0 }, "Player Spawned!");

Player ([FromSource]Player player) is only available for server side event if i am not wrong.
Juste replace Player by dynamic

EventHandlers["playerSpawned"] += new Action< dynamic >(OnPlayerSpawn);

private void OnPlayerSpawn(object obj)
            //Handle  your stuff
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Thank you for you input and assistance. I made your recommend changes and I still do not see the event getting triggered.

Its should work
try to put a debug message Debug.WriteLine(“Hello World Spawn Event”);

I am still working on this issue and have not solved it yet. The code below shows the simple script I am loading and according to another post I saw in the forum, it should span the client debug console. I press F8 and do not see the spam.

Something I notice in the log output when I start the server is this…

Loaded, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1150916478
Loaded, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1150916478

The client resource is named, should I not see it load as well? The __resource.lua look like this.

client_script {
server_script {
// Client Script
namespace client
    public class Client : BaseScript
        public Client()
            Tick += OnTick;

        private async Task OnTick()
            await Delay(100);
            Debug.WriteLine("**** Client Tick ****");

//Server Script
namespace server
    public class Server : BaseScript
        public Server()
        {  }

Debug.WriteLine("**** Client Tick ****"); is on client side, open your client console (F8) when you are in game

That is where I am looking.

Here is my CitizexFX.log … it does have an error.

CitizenFX.log (75.1 KB)

Set Build -> Target Platforms -> Any CPU, aslo use .Net4.5.2


SheppeR, That fixed it, you are a R*!

Thank You!

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