Pink Cage Motel apartments?

did you manage to figure out how to get the storage in the motel instance ?

Never managed to get it, But there is a version out there that allows you to have it pre setup for storage etc.

pretty sure u have to disable shared inventory, u can find it in ur DATABASE

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Have anyone else tested this? (lsrp-motels)
I had to take it out from my server due to it messing up with TP’s.
Whenever i was to take a tp i always ended up at the motel invisible and had to restart my game

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Yes this script have bug :frowning:

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Yes this script does have a instance teleport bug

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Lets all support in advance of the full mythic pack release. @Alzar has an awesome set of files in which can solve the problem with instance bug and also bring a next level system/development of resources/scripts. @Alzar is a person we should respect and not beg nor distress. I fully support the genius profile of this great developer. Mr/Mrs. Alzar if you are reading this just know your mythic files contain great success and will definitely save the FiveM community & experience !

This motel script makes me teleport every time when I got threw out through car window (when without seatbelt) to motel room doors, lol. :rofl:

That’s because its bugged to where if you tried to leave the instance via the door it didnt properly remove you from instance and kept you instanced

Use the menu at the dresser and you’ll leave the motel room correctly the door marker is bugged


Guys I need esx_pinkcage script

me too but working one with clothes and not buggy

Downloading [MLO] Pink Cage & Sandy Motor Motels Interior [Add-On SP / FiveM] -