People join Ghost server

Thank you very much to the 2 for your answers and time in this thread.

Where are your servers hosted, in a hosting or vps?

I have a doubt I use zap hosting normal plan, and I want to go to “premium” which is to change from a ssd to a m2 and a better processor.

In what aspect would you improve by switching to premium.

Zap hosting is trash. Their servers performance is the worst I’ve ever seen. Their ssd packages perform worse then 7200rpm mechanical drives.

My servers are hosted on a dedicated box I rent from a datacenter in Chicago. I have a fully dedicated box so I know no one else is using my resources. Also it gives me the ability to run vm’s on it so I can do more then just host fivem servers.

If I were you I would find some other provider as I’ve had nothing but BAD experiences with Zap. Who those providers are I couldn’t tell you. Youd just have to do some searching.

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Any vps or host recommendations?
Really good servers and support, I think there is a 25% code also

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bro pls use google translate.
Tambien soy bilingüe pero media pila hermano, alto garrón entenderte

I’m having the same Splitted Sessions issue with @zaphosting atm, (i will try to ask for a server change in a few days (i’m screwed with work right now).

A good method my players teached me to know if you are in a split session is writing /me [msg] on the chat, and see if the msg appears on everyone’s heads. If so, try relog.

I have 280 scripts on my ESX server, and now i’m doubting about if it was a recently bug on es_extended or something related to ESX. Also maybe some of the esx scripts may be broken ?, I also use rocademption btw.

hola, bueno siempre se me olvida poner "mi ingles es muy malo jajaj "

pero siempre trato de ayudar o entenderme.

que plan tienes de zaphosting, segun tengo entetndido o me explicaron la sesiones divididas es por la sobrecarga del sistema del host.

hello, well I always forget to put "my English is very bad "

But I always try to help or understand myself.

What plan do you have for zaphosting, as I understand or explained the sessions divided by the host system overhead.

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I have the most basic up to 32 players, i dont know if it maybe it :stuck_out_tongue:

the truth is that this is already stressful with a few people 2-4 people still have this problem that people go to the ghost server

Send me to the ghost server or my friends,

that already happens to the premium plan of zap hosting.

This is the problem I always have.