PC Cops | Need Civs, Cops, EMS, Dispatch | Apply Now! (Info Below)

Welcome all to our recruitment page here at FiveM, my name is Beastly Gaming and I am the director here at PC Cops. Some quick reminders and information about my RP Group:

We are a group of roleplay gamers who casually play GTAV FiveM RP when we can and so far we are looking to recruit some players for our group.
We have almost every slot available so come and grab yours now before our applications close.

You can apply for any of the following departments (As of date of posting this topic, we are limited to Blaine Co. due to size of community and for training sessions):

Blaine Co. Sheriff’s Office
Blaine Co. Fire Department
Blaine Co. Tow Service (Civ)
Civilian Operators
City Police: Sandy Shores, Harmony, Grapeseed, Paleto Bay
San Andreas Highway Patrol (State Police)
NOOSE / Tactical Intervention Authority
Air Support (For: Fire & EMS and/or Police)
State Park Ranger
Port Authority
Metro / Transit Police
Operator (Dispatcher)

We are also looking for a Developer to help us better the process of setting up Plugins, Scripts, Vehicles and other fun stuff, but we can’t pay for a developer so it’s volunteer work. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fire services cover EMS as well, they get dispatched roughly from the same locations.

As we grow we will expand our services to Los Santos County so stay updated!

If you would like to join our merry group or apply, we have open applications on our Discord page just ask an Admin to be granted into the applicant process.

( https://discord.gg/SpAAGW5 )


We have recently added County Coroner’s service, and have began plotting our course and training sessions… We still need civilians, Fire/EMS, Dispatch and police officers!

Join us today!

Just some boring news, but important for those looking to join…

If you have questions, leave them below:

Soon our server will publicly open (less than a week!) when it does there won’t be many cars or plugins, it’ll be strictly practice sessions and training for new members, training vehicles will be standard GTA V vanilla vehicles, eventually once we feel confident with our community’s efforts we will begin expanding into custom vehicles, the true reason this is so, is because the community is booting up for the first time, and we have never used FiveM, with the limited video tutorials and content available to us, we have not yet had time to expand our resources on the Forums.

We also feel much more comfortable using those vehicles for now, although controlling lighting effects like turning sirens off yet having lights on will be added, we may not have working fuel systems till later on.