NUI Resource Request - Allow a resource's NUI frame z-index to be set optionally

The reason why I think this would be a great addition would be so NUI’s don’t overlap more important NUI’s like menus. Perhaps this could be set in the __resource.lua file, and when the resources are loaded into the user’s NUI container, it could place the index like a stack: moving the blocks above up one block from the configured index. If there are two or more resources with the same index, place one of them at the index, and the rest can be placed +1 per resource.

I don’t know how hard this would be, but I think this would be great to add!

Thanks :heart:

I’m kinda worried that people will give their own resource always the biggest z-index

I’m kinda worried that people will give their own resource always the biggest z-index

Great part of this suggestion is that it includes a case for if two have the same index, as well since it’s configurable in the resource file it can be lowered upon the end-user’s discretion.

Doesn’t setting focus on a UI page take it to the top of the Z index list?

Just tested, you are correct; whichever resource called NUI focus last, appears on top.

Doesn’t setting focus on a UI page take it to the top of the Z index list?

This is true, but that’s not what this request is asking for. It’s asking for the ability to force a z-index onto a resource’s NUI frame, so background NUI’s dont block a menu’s NUI (for example).

hihi, i second this suggestion
it’s not possible to have any kind to tooltip without a fixed z-index

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