Need help with a script for random text

AddEventHandler(“CheckPlate”, function()

local domath = math.random(1,100)

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "LSPD", {10, 120, 255}, "Running ^5plate^0...")


if domath == 10,100 then
	TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "LSPD", {10, 120, 255}, "^3Warrant^0: ^1Skipped bail")
elseif domath == 20,100 then
	TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "LSPD", {10, 120, 255}, "Vehicle is reported ^1stolen^0!")
elseif domath == 70,100 then
	TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "LSPD", {10, 120, 255}, "Vehicle is ^2clean^0.")


trying to get this to run off of precentage

like 10% chance skipped bail 20% chance stolen 70% chance clean

if i could get help that would be appriciated

domath <= 10
Etc… On the 3 lines
Second <= 30

Thank you so much it worked