Need help making a simple chat command

I am new to scripting and need help creating a chat command, my issues are I do not understand some of the symbols in lua like string," ", sm, ==, (), etc. and I couldnt find them on the lua website besides “string”. The chat command I want to make is a me command that’ll look like this
“King Kyle doesnt know how to make scripts” (Player name)(action/message). If a developer can explain to symbols and thier meanings rather than me spending hours trying to find what they mean i’d appreciate it. I would really appreciate if a dev can tell me theses symbols and meaning… sm, ==, (), “”, string, (number)^, and … .

Hi Kyle,
Unfortunately programming too complex to quickly explain without experiencing programming your self. For example i could say that ‘==’ is lua’s equivalency operator, but unless you have prior programming experience that will make no sense to you.

Put an hour into this tutorial, read around the form, maybe write up a simple script
Then ask for help.

I would suggest this website:

As for the operators, here’s the chapter on them.

Thanks guys, better asking here then on the FiveM Discord Server cause they just make fun of people who are new.

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