Most Common Gamemodes


Sorry if i’m posting this on wrong discussion topic. What’s the most common, developer friendly and free roleplay gamemodes? I see many people using the same or similar roleplay gamemodes currently.

ESX and vRP are the most common roleplay frameworks people use at the moment.

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Thank you so much! What’s the general differences between ESX and vRP. Also which one do you suggest?

To be honest, neither. ESX is :poop: in general with a lot of vulnerabilities and vRP is a jumbled mess.

Suggestion for you: make your own framework! If you don’t know how, go to #server-development:server-bazaar and try to find someone that would be willing to help you. Also you can take some classes online to get you started on coding and whatnot.

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I heard few servers that had a lot of player base, for example No Pixel and such. I saw videos of them since their server is whitelisted and their gamemode was amazing. I’m guessing that they edited ESX or they created their own?

Also outside from topic, creating private server in World of Warcraft wasn’t allowed and users that did it got into trouble, is it the same in GTA V? Is it prohibited for us to create server in FiveM for Rockstar?

yes, you will get banned from Real Life if you do it.

just kidding