Mass timeout at ~120-128 players

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Operating system: Windows Server 2019
Artifact version: 1626
IP address:
Resources: 30-40
System specifications:
Intel i7-7700K
4c/8t - 4.2GHz /4.5GHz
64GB DDR4 2400 MHz
SoftRAID 2x450GB NVMe


Summary: Users kept receiving Timed out in the top left, which eventually lead to about 40 people losing connection
Expected behavior: No mass timeout.
Actual behavior: Mass timeout
Steps to reproduce: N/A
Files for repro (if any):
Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs:

Any additional info:
Any information whether its FiveM related or resource related is very helpful, thanks.

:man_shrugging:, this build seemingly didn’t have symbols uploaded.

:frowning: Does it mean the trace is useless?

Possibly. It looks like heap allocation mayhem, might be resolved in a future build when enetuv gets fixed to do periodic servicing, this has been shown to reduce cpu load 3-4x on the network thread.