[Looking for script] Gang job?

Hello! Im looking for a gang/mafia job for ESX, do anyone have a idea of were to find it?

I’ve one.
It works Well

Hesx-mafia.rar (56.3 KB)

you have to translate some lines in english, it’s very easy in the config file.
if you need some help tell me.

Okay thank you! Ill look into it

I need one that can have multiple mafias at one time

You can do it yourself whit that 1 esx mafia.

We already have esx_mafia on the servern but then you can only have one mafia, we need at least 4

change the names in the files to mafia2 / mafia 3 / mafia 4 etc.,

Were am I supposed to change the names? Just to like esx_mafia2 in the name or is there more places to change?

the SQL file ,
and Config.lua

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So just add a 2 after all of that and then it will become another job? With different accounts for society money ?

yes or give it a other name , make sure the names are all the same specially the SQL file ,

Okay, Thank you I’ll try that when I get to my computer

Should i rename TriggerEvent(‘esx_mafiajob:hasEnteredMarker’, currentStation, currentPart, currentPartNum) to TriggerEvent(‘esx_mafiajob2:hasEnteredMarker’, currentStation, currentPart, currentPartNum) and etc?

yea just open the file ctrl+F ( find option ) find Mafia , replace it with a othername and on to the next find/replace etc.,

Okay so all of it? for k,v in pairs(Config.MafiaStations) do to for k,v in pairs(Config.Mafia2Stations) do to?

yes everything that has Mafia anounced , make it mafia2 or so., dont forget the upercase in some lines


Okay ill be back oce its finished

and don’t forget to change the spawns of your job

where is the cords for all the blimps so you can move them?