Looking for Experienced Developer for a new Project.

I am looking for someone to work with in building a new community.

Community Vision
I am looking to establish a First Responder focused server that is actually driven by the members of the community. This involves maintaining a transparent staff team as well as involving all community members in voting on the server. It is my number one priority to value the members of the community above all else and work based off their input.

As a Roleplay community, the goal is to provide scenarios which are first realistic, but also enjoyable for all members that are involved. Although some major scenarios will take place from time to time, we will try to not oversaturate RP with them.

Experienced Server Developer on FIveM
Capable of working as a Member of a Team when needed.
Capable of effectively communicating with the Staff Team & Community Members.
Willingness to help me learn.

to contact me, add me on Discord at: BasicLethargy#2427

Thank you for taking time to read this.

Hey man, I’m looking create a Development group to create this Idea if you want join it?

Still looking

Still Looking for a Developer :slightly_smiling_face: