Lambda menu not working?

I copied everything in the instructions menu and it didn’t work when I went into game, then I copied exactly what a video did (which was the same thing) and still nothing happens in game when I press F1. I have tried all the F buttons.

I got the Simple Trainer working in single player and then tried to install the Lambda menu into the FiveM folder and it isn’t working.

Does anybody know a fix? Thanks!

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Depends on what you did…

You should have made a plugins folder inside your FiveM Application Data folder, dragged the .asi and the .ini in there.

Next to that, the server you joined could have scripthook disabled.

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I only dragged the .asi into the plugins folder, I put the .ini just in the FiveM Application Data folder as that’s what the instructions and video said to do? Should I put the .ini in the plugins folder also?

PS plugins is all lowercase that wouldn’t be the problem right?

I tried 2 different servers and people were spawning things in both so I don’t think it’s server side.

My menu isn’t letting me scroll to a different option and wont let me select


All you need to do when it isn’t scrolling down when you try the arrows keys is 1. Use the numpad 2. always have NUMLOCK on.

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So, after downloading all of the correct files and following all of the videos i could find step by step, my menu still does not open in game. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is not working.

Hello all,
I followed the instructions to install Lambda-menu on my local server :

  • Drag the .asi in the plugins folder created just before.
  • Drag the .xml in the FivemFiveM/Application Data.
    But it doesn’t toogle ingame whatever the key I could choose//use in config.

I tried another steamID, disable Steam detection and connect via IP, uninstall/reinstall FiveM and GTAV but for me the result was always the same : no menu.

The most surprising is that I let a friend come into the server (via Hamashi) and he CAN toogle and use Lambda-menu !

Oh ! I forgot to tel you :
I am ‘owner’ in the ‘user’ table and can use admin commands in the console.

Did I do something wrong ? What ?
Please help. Thanks.

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A friend of mine is having the same issue, to us the cause is unknown. You being the owner of the server should not affect it! As it does not change my game. If I find a fix i will reply with it!

Ghost topic…


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