Lag only on FiveReborn

On standard GTA V singleplayer I can play with most of the settings on “Very High” and get 60-70 fps, but on FiveReborn I can’t even get 15 on minimum settings. There is a ton of lag. Is there any way I can fix this?

Intel i7-4720HQ @ 2.60 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, Windows 10, Nvidia GeForce 970M, DirectX 11, x64 bit

@Dragon I have that same problem too. I hope they fix it

Using any reshaders etc?

@Boss is that something you have to install? if so no. I have just innstalled it, and tried to play. But it is lagggggyyyyy

@norwegianguy said in Lag only on FiveReborn:

@Boss is that something you have to install? if so no. I have just innstalled it, and tried to play. But it is lagggggyyyyy

You just installed GTA V?

@Boss Lol Yeah ofc, I have all I need.

@Dragon @Boss @norwegianguy Hello all of you i just wanted to tell you its easy to fix, i got it working on my own laptop so this is what you need to do: press right mousebutton on fivereborn.exe, here you can something like ‘‘choose wich gpu to use’’ and choose your gpu you want

@pipje2001 K thanks buddy(:

update drivers and be sure your windows runs clean in proceses and also chack the ping of the server befor joinging it.


@Bootch Haha no problem man!

How do I fix when people talk their voice lags and i have been trying everything to fix it and nothing seems to work do you guys think I should just get a new processor and Graphics card [Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960] and [Processor is AMD A6-7400K Radeon R5, 6 Compute Cores 2C +4G 3.50 GHz] And AMD Radeon™ R5 Graphics And one Know???

Can you give me a update on this? Like better instructions because I right click it and it doesnt show up? Also does this still work?