Is it worth developing in C #?

I am thinking of starting a project for fivem in C#, I want to know the opinion of you who develop the most time, I started now in fivem, but I am already programmer to eight years

I want to know if it is possible for me to “connect” two dlls from C# even though they are in separate folders(if someone has an example I would be grateful)

and I want to know if C # has any problem / constraint

Anyone develops in C # knows to answer me?

You can “connect” them with exports or events.

The only downside is that due to AppDomain (at least suspected), C# resources run at ~0.3ms idle.
But honestly, this doesn’t impact performance. I keep everything in one resource/solution, with a server,client and shared project.

Communication can be done serveral ways:

  • Using exports to call functions in another resource (thus DLL).
  • Using Trigger x Event, which both works over net and locally. Prefer exports when you don’t have to send it over the network. Since exports use TriggerEvent under the hood.
  • Using some shared DLL which you can reference to is also an option. Not that the shared DLL is not a resource, just a normal DLL that has (preferably) no knowledge about the CitizenFX.* namespace.

Example from my code base:

//_awareness resource exposes the "GetPickpocketTarget" export/function.
public class AwarenessClient : BaseScript
    PedIterator pedIterator = new PedIterator();

    public AwarenessClient()
        //Returns a handle (int) of the selected ped that is most suited to be pickpocketed.
        Exports.Add("GetPickpocketTarget", new Func<int>(() => {
            return pedIterator.GetPickpocketTarget();
public class PopInteractionClient : BaseScript
    private Ped pickPocketTarget;

    public PopInteractionClient()
        Tick += OnTick;

    private async Task OnTick()
        await Delay(250);

        //Call the _awareness resource and invoke the "GetPickpocketTarget" function.
        int pedHandle = Exports["_awareness"].GetPickpocketTarget();
        pickPocketTarget = pedHandle > 0 ? new Ped(pedHandle) ? Game.PlayerPed;

This is also indeed a possibility but you cannot share living objects. A shared DLL is mainly used for things like common models, enums and helper classes

many thanks, so it seems worth developing