How to whitelist a commmand?

I have a /fix script apart of wk_vehicledamage. I was wondering if it could be whitelisted using a hex or steamID. I don’t use any frameworks so was trying to whitelist it.

Was thinking of a ace permission but I don’t know how.

Any help is much appreciated.


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You would be correct. If you’re using the register command native, you can switch the final parameter to true so only players can run it.

I imagine the CFG file would look something like this:

add_ace command deny # deny all commands
add_ace command.fix allow # only allow them access to /fix

add_principal identifier.ip: # add them to the "limited" group

Note: Haven’t tested it or anything but, I imagine it would work. I think @Briglair tried doing something like this and I’m not sure if he got it working.