[How-To] Fix Crashing Upon Entering Modded Vehicles and Glitched Textures

Hello! After getting some help from a fellow server owner regarding these issues, I wanted to help the community by sharing what I learned. This tutorial will hopefully help you solve the issues mentioned in the title.

Credit to @AntwanR942 for being the one provide me with the help needed to make this post in the first place!

There are three types of situations I will be addressing today:

  1. Crashes upon entering a vehicle
  2. Vehicle textures being glitched/ appearing all black
  3. Physics validation errors

Crashing Upon Entering-

  • Crashing when you hit F to enter a vehicle, or in some cases when standing near a vehicle’s seats
  • This occurs when a certain vehiclelayouts.meta is incompatible with FiveM servers


  • Delete the vehiclelayouts.meta (if it is being streamed in your vehicle file)
  • Go into the vehicles.meta for your vehicle and edit this line:

You need to replace this with a layout from a vanilla vehicle. You may find the possible layouts under this link:

(Be mindful! Not every individual vehicle has its own layout! Choose whichever layout is closest to your own vehicle! You may have to guess and check a bit.)

Vehicle Textures Are Gitched-

  • Vehicle textures appear black or have repeating textures in various locations where they shouldn’t be


  • This occurs when the vehicle’s .YTD file is larger than 16 megabytes (FiveM servers have a limit on streaming .YTDs larger than 16 MB)


  • Open the .YTD file and “downsize” the textures, maintaining their ratio but making the textures smaller, until your file is less than 16 MB
  • For example, if you have a texture file in your .YTD that is 4096x4096, you can reduce it in any 1:1 ratio, whether you bring it down to 2048x2048 or 512x512 pixels

(Obviously, reducing the size of these textures will make them look more fuzzy when applied to a vehicle, so choose what you reduce wisely!)

Physics Validation Error-

  • When you try to spawn in a vehicle, the game crashes, and gives an error message like the following


  • This, as far as I know, this is a model that simply has too many polygons for FiveM to handle
  • I have been told that this is an issue that cannot be solved unless the vehicle is re-exported by its creator

Feel free to ask questions below! I’ll try my best to help you solve your vehicle problems :slight_smile:


awesome, this will for sure help those server owners out there!

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You my hero! :smiley: Big thanks for this guid!

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You are welcome! Glad I could help!

In regards to the vehiclelayouts.meta, you should first doublecheck if it’s not just being streamed incorrectly as vehicles use custom layouts for a reason

Tried this, Still doesnt work, i did every solution and it didnt work. This is TrooperCorentins Bearcat and everytime i try to get in it it crashes me. The car never lets me in and is very weird

You can DM me and I’ll try and help you

I fixed it a few days after, was a __resource.lua problem my b :slight_smile:


In case being didn’t understand this: Go into the fxmanifest.lua and double-check that you’re streaming the vehiclelayouts in there