How to convert ymap to xml

Hi i would like to remake some maps i made in the past. And I have a problem i dont have .XML to edit it. I have only .Ymap. Can someone help me with converting IT back to XML ?

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moved to #development please be careful where you post.

Drag them into OpenIV, then right click and export them in open format which is .xml for .ymap file type.


You Cant Convert It From YMap To XML

OpenIV can export ymap in a .XML extension. Give it a try. Maybe you mean that file cannot be read by some other third party map utility that also saves it’s files as .XML?

Vanilla Ymaps all include this line in em in OpenIV, even when you open them directly in OpenIV while they are still .ymap extension.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

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Look at this

Even if its converted back you still cannot reopen it in menyoo or map editor.

You need to open the ymap file in open iv and copy the code in the xml file

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