[How-to] Change your servername's color

what colors is this what code use them ~Y~ or ~b~ or ~G~

Note: You must be a part of the FiveM Element Club and be using your own server key for this to work within the server list!

Bro Thanks, now i have my priv server coloured, i will open it in my new OVH

Hi guys, i try to change my color but the server wonā€™t take it in the serv.cfg, i save, reboot but nothing happen and in the server.cfg he go back to the original nameā€¦ and i have already the licence key
Somone know something ?

How did you register it? Have you purchased the license required for your FiveM server?

You must be a member of Element Club Argentum

What code editor do you use?

I found the solution ! Thanks

Still using for the color codes! Nice job!

Oh, lol. I randomly decided to try the colors even though I am not part of the Element Club yet (server under development), and they worked, so I was confused.

^1 idegas

Thanks man! I just bought my membership and was scratching my head on how exactly to do this, thanks again! :slight_smile:
