Host a game option

Sometimes i want to test a script or resource but don’t or can’t make a server for myself and singleplayer fivem is…well it just a offline mode, and that’s why it would be awesome feature to add a “Host Game” option, this option would create a local LAN server where you can test your scripts, resources before streaming them into your server.

Thanks for taking the time to reading this. :3

So you would like to test scripts without creating a server before placing them on a server that you don’t have?

Creating a server is very simple to do, and takes minutes. Simple steps are provided on the wiki.

But i want to test some scripts before i made my mind and create a server and use them :stuck_out_tongue:

So a host game option would be nice

Like Briglair is saying. Make a localhost server and test the scripts there?

This seems like unnecessary work for the developers of fivem. Scripts can interfere with each other, they may require other scripts to work, the requirement of database, lots of different frameworks, need for multiple people to be present to fully test some scripts. Far better to just do as posted and create a local server yourself.

How can i create a local server then?

Same as when you create a dedicated server… If don’t know how read the docs at
