Help with this code

Hi so im making an arrest script that using this code:

AddEventHandler('cuff', function(color, message)
    -- code for cuffing goes here

but i have this animation i wanna use for the script: a_arrest_on_floor (or something to that effect).
what is the name of the code used to check if an animation is being used? Also how would i use it?

if anyone can tell me it would be really appreciated

What and TaskPlayAnim

so kaner like this?

AddEventHandler('cuff', function(color, message)

sorry kaner didnt realize was being a smart ass

There’s a " missing at the end of the animation name

That won’t make it work tho

local Ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
TaskPlayAnim(Ped, 'mp_arresting', 'a_arrest_on_floor', 1, -1, true, 0)

Will play the animination as long as it is called. You can loop the animation as well

Thanks for all the help Apocalyptikz, I will be sure to include you in the credits for those who have provided assistance for helping to make this script.