Help with an error I' am getting when trying to run client

Doesn’t this game Already support Directx10. I can’t buy or build a new pc right now. Me and my family are too poor, and I told you in the First post, I can run this game just fine. I don’t understand why you can’t just make the change and help me?

My friend has been getting this error, too. He has a 290x and updated his drivers.

7970 here, I’m getting this error as well. Windows 10. This is not just his gpu’s problem

The fix to this is located

The problem is with intel+amd systems having an igpu on at the same time. Disable the iGPU to fix the error.

Thanks but I mentioned already that I cannot turn off the igpu as the option simply isn’t there. The Actual fix is server side not client side but thanks.

I’m not sure if you guys properly understand what the issue is. Btw melody if you read the previous posts, I said in the 3rd post, I have everything up to date. So sorry your solution is not applicable or valid either. Once again as I said the issue needs to be modified and resolved via server side from within the source code. But Thanks anyways.

compatible windows vista or pack 1 or 2 run fine

Upgrade to Windows 10 today!

also, this isn’t related to any server.

Tried that HTAG11 but that to no avail didn’t work either and 0x420 no I’m not installing windows 10 to play fivereborn when the game works just fine on my windows 7. As I mentioned the fix can be resolved from editing one or two flags of the feature level from dx11 to dx10.

@cloud Noone knows what causes it. Sorry.

I have this same error as of right now I’m guessing FiveReborn doesn’t support AMD cards with intel until they fix it which hopefully is soon

It’s all supported if it has the correct driver updates etc. Everyone seems to be able to play with AMD cards with Intel except for you :cry:

False Statement ^
It’s not all supported.

I have the latest driver updates head to toe and this simply does not work for me because you guys are refusing to change the compatibility flags to include directx10. Were just going in circles here. No one wants to install windows 10, some people can’t switch off the igpu and also everything is already updated fully. If i can run the game fine myself, why shouldn’t I get to play online? That’s kind of not fair if you ask me.

Telling someone to buy a new computer or upgrade your OS is actually unrealistic and unkind imo. If you don’t want to fix it then tell the truth. Don’t tell someone to spend more money because you don’t want to fix it and make it compatible with integrated/dedicated gpus. I have both intel and nvidia graphics and it gets switched automatically. The game is forcing it to use my intel and is also forcing directx11. There should be a way to make it compatible with directx10 as well as forcing the game to be compatible with any card. You should leave the decision of being able to play to the user.

@cloud don’t worry I have a similar issue they need to make it compatible with all Direct versions and GPUs hopefully they resolve this soon

My friend finally got it to work. Turns out he didn’t find completely everything related to his IGPU in BIOS the first time he tried to fix it.

If it doesn’t work after you went through BIOS, keep on digging for more options.

Okay I finally got past the issue and have made some progress by re-downloading the fivereborn client. Kind of stupid of me but something I completely missed and overlooked. If I right click the exe I can see I have the option to “Run with graphics processor” and can then select which gpu to run it with either the intel which it was by default or my nvidia. Now when I run it with the Nvidia I see no errors, I get past the launcher and into the game but then It gets stuck on a blue screen. I can move around the cursor and it says fivereborn in the top-right but it’s just stuck on that blue page. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

me tooo same problem but click in to screen and the game enter auto to any server

before i can play when click in blue screen auto server but now i cant :((((((

@cloud are you fixed your gpu stuck how ???