[HELP] Need help with esx, please

Any charitable soul that would spend some time with me to help me configure the esx on my server?
Would be highly appreciated.

Right now I’m facing the current issue:
Character spawns there’s an “identity maker”
Name, age, etc
When its done it zooms the face of the model but I can’t do anything
Police Station appears on the map but there’s nothing to do inside
Jobs are not showing

Please help me, I’ve been for 12hours straight trying to fix it

Post your CitizenFX.log let see what kinda errors your getting.

Don’t forget to also post your server.cfg and a client log too in case the error is client side.

Where can I find those things?

“CitizenFX log (server)” Is found at > \[Five M Server Location]\CitizenFX.log
“Server cfg (server)” Is found at > \[Five M Server Location]\cfx-server-data-master\server.cfg
“CitizenFX log (client)” Is found at > \Users\[User]\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\CitizenFX.log