Freeze when Kicked from game

GTA V version?
version 1.0.1180.2

Up to date?
up2date till latest september patch

Legit or Pirate copy?
Legit copy

Steam/CD/Social Club?
Social Club

Windows version?
Windows 10 x64

Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
Yes i did

Error screenshot (if any)

System specifications

12 gb ddr-3
gtx 960

What did you do to get this issue?

when i kicked myself from the game

What server did you get this issue on?

my own server
GTAV Chronicles

CitizenFX.log file

CitizenFX.log (132.2 KB)

.dmp files/report IDs

Also add what you already tried so far.

removed cache
tried every key possible

Only way of closing it, is by removing the process in task manager.

This is a known issue, it’s been like this forever. Probably nothing that can be done about it right now or they would’ve fixed it already.

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