Fivem roleplay server configure

Hi all.

Do you know any plugin that you can pick any police car you want and set it in garage whenever you want? same for the mechanical and ambulance.
Can i rename “police” to “politie” thats police in dutch? If thats possible can i do that in the database?
So that you see ‘politie’ in game

I didn’t have understaind you first request and for rename “police” to “politie” you can do that in your database on the table jobs find police and edit only the label case .

Thank you,

so for the police i can rename “police” in the database on the ‘label’ case.
And is that the same for cars, food, buildings?

you can rename all jobs , just edit label case not an other one . If you edit the name case your script will don’t work except if you edit the config file of the script .

Allright thanks,
But what about the vehicles database, it have name, model, price and category?
and what about shops can i rename the name of the ‘store’ in the database?

If you want to change the shop names. You need to change him to in the file config.lua on your esx_shop script.

For the car you can change , name , price , category but don’t edit model .

Oke thank you so much dude!
So if i have this:
Config.Zones = {

TwentyFourSeven = {
	Items = {},
	Pos = {

i can edit TwentyFourSeven to whatever i want in esx shops config.lua

Rename TwentyFourSeven by what you want in your config.lua and in the database by exactly the same name .

I think that will work try it and give me a return .

Thank you dude!

I have another question whats the easiest method to add cars to my fivem server, some say you only need the .ytd and .yft files.
and some guys saying you do need that files an you need vehicles.meta and __resource.lua
I tried it with only adding the yft and ytd files in a stream map and i could spawn the car in with lamda menu, but is it then possible to add it to policejob as a car too. Anyway what is the best and easiest method?

for the car the better way is create 2 folders one named “stream” and an other one “data” .
Create a __ressource.lua file with nothing in .

put all file yft and ytd in the folder stream
and all meta on data .

I will make a template or found a good template for you .

Oke thanks.
But can every car ont can be used for fivem server, because i saw many cars that only have ytd and yft files but no vehicles.meta or something like that just only the ytd and yft files. how is it than possible to add it to my server

this a good template i have found

for use it :
folder client :
file vehicle_name.lua :
this file is for put a personal vehicule name on the right bottom of the screen .
edit this line :

AddTextEntry('#GAMENAME_VEHICULE#', 'vehicle name wanted')

#GAMENAME_VEHICULE# is the game name of the vehicle in the vehicle.meta file .

folder data : put all .meta file on

folder stream : put all .ytd and yft file on

file __ressource.lua uncomment the file you need or comment the file not present .
if the addon don’t work try to delete all on the __ressource.lua file .

Good luck ! :wink:

some car doesn’t have .meta file isn’t a problem just :
create a folder stream : put all ytd and yft file on
and create __ressource.lua without something in .
don’t forget to start the car on the server.cfg file !
And that will work

Oke i go try thanks

And if i have a police car how do i get it to the police station

if you have any problem or error with you can send me a private message .

Good luck !
Have a good day ! :slight_smile:

Also how can i get that one blip i can pick any car from police station.
And how can i rename police station blip to whatever i want? :))

What script are you using for the police job ?
Do you mean on the car spawner menu ?

Esx_Policejob and yes the car spawner menu
Should i use 1.2 or 1.3 esx_policejob or an other one

I’m not sure but i know the 1.3 version the policeman have to buy the car and weapon .
And in the 1.2 version is the captain buy weapon and the vehicule don’t need to be buy .