FiveM Dashcam

This only toggles in police cars, yeah?

Depends what you have the settings set to…

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okie doke, will be sure to go over the files :smiley:

DashcamConfig.RestrictVehicles = true
DashcamConfig.RestrictionType = "class" -- custom / class

do i just keep that as class and then add police car models down below in

DashcamConfig.AllowedVehicles = {

No need to add models if you are using the setting class.

Could you record the dashcam within the NUI possibly?

Ok, just thinking out loud here… Could you not record the raw footage and then have it play back in-game with an overlay over the raw video? Downside is you wouldn’t be able to overlay the vehicles speed - and it’s a fair bit of a workaround.

For streamer certainly a good option, unfortunately it records no evidence vids or?

Doubt it. Who knows I haven’t looked.

I really do not follow what you are saying. If people wanna record they can just use recording software.

People can record using recording software. That is what people do already.

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does this allow you to automatically record in-game? or would you have to install a separate recording software?

There is no way for me to record in-game while showing the UI. You will have to use another program to actually record gameplay with the on-screen UI.

so this only works if you were inside the vehicle using that view?

Yeah. It doesn’t work outside the vehicle.

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Not loading the resource for me

That is very vague. Screenshots. What have you tried? I can’t read minds man so not really sure how if I can even help you.

Sure. Did “start nui” in server.cfg
and when I go to connect to the server it says it can’t load the resource:

Tried to restart the server a few times, change the name of the resource, and loading it in-game not preloading, and still getting same results ^^

What is in the nui folder.

I did some editing to the configs to say California not San Andreas, other than that it wasn’t touched

That isn’t the whole script…??? Did you rename the whole resource to nui… or did you take the nui folder out of the download…

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