
Really nice idear!

Should be interresting to do the same on brinksjob as is a copy code of garbage from Marcio


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I was just talking with a friend that had put that job on his server… and was saying it could be easly adapted to be a crew job… as 4 people can sit inside of the truck.



Have not had anyone report the error to me, but found a error with a friend. If someone has a truck out and then decides to join someone else’s crew it will keep them as ‘iscurrentboss’ which could make the script error out. I have pushed a commit on the github that fixes this by clearing the ‘iscurrentboss’ every time a payment is made.


Hi, i put on my server and not work, i can’t see any blips or something and i dont have any error on console.

Many thanks, dude! Now I can finally go hanging on the back of the dump truck. <3

Ill double check right now JFoster. sorry for the late reply. Gonna load up on my test server and make sure its working as intended.

I have updated the github with a fix for the issue of the script getting stuck at “wait in truck” I am sorry for anyone that this has caused a issue for… while trying to fix one problem that wasn’t a big problem it caused a even bigger problem that I was not seeing on my test server.

If you have any other questions or comments about this feel free to ask and I will get back to you as soon as i can.


seems to still be an issue still stuck on wait on truck

Just tested it on a live server… if you have the latest version from github it shouldnt’ have the ‘wait on truck’ anymore. If you uploaded and restarted the script and are getting this… let me know your server ip and ill jump on to see whats going on.

i only just got the script today the only way to get it to work was to remove the else statement for the wait on truck server ip is

ill jump on right now to see whats going on.


server isn’t showing as being up. will keep trying and if i can get on im sure we can get this sorted out. You shouldn’t remove any else statements tbh that will prob cause a lot of other problems

Just tested on a second live server… and it is working as intended… without being able to get on your server to test im not sure what to dell you EVILnz. The only thing i can think of is your putting the garbage in the truck and the driver stays in the truck the entire time. The person that pulls out the truck is considered the jobboss by the script and he is the one that needs to ‘clean up debris’ to finish the pickup for that location and then will move you on to the next one.

Hope this helps you get it sorted out.


where you can configure how many bags you take out of the garbage container and how many trips you can make

I want to limit to 5 trips and earn an approximate of $ 120 to $ 200

The original script had the number of trips coded into it. When I get to work will look at the script and tell you what line number you would have to edit to change the max number of stops. And the number of bags.

Ok I have looked at the original script that chooses destination and it is in the function called nouvelledestination() it does a math.random(0, 100) and you have a 10% chance to be told to return to depo and 90% chance to be told to go to next stop. You can edit the Config.MaxDelivery = 5 but could still send you back to depo after 1 stop or wait till you have 5 done. If you want to make sure it is 5 every time. Take out the <= 10 check that calls MissionLiveraisonStopRetourDepot() that will make you keep going until max delivery has been reached. As far as money earned… are you meaning while solo thats the max they can earn… or with full crew since the payment is split between all crew members. You can edit the amount of pay per stop in the Config.Livraison edit the Paye = that is how much the earn just for driving to the stop… the Config.BagPay is how much they earn per bag they put in the truck.

Hope this helps you get it sorted out



When we get to the point (GPS) at the marker, driver press ‘E’ but marker collect not appear and even at that location i did not see the trash (Do not see red marker and trash bin, only a few locations have problems )

If you are not seeing garbage bins it is a setting in GTA that you need to turn up.

Once you turn that up and reconnect you should see bins no problem.

mate, i get an error because it’s like i don’t have the animation to check for garbage rests. it works fine, but intead of doing the animation when checking for rests it simply gets stucked for some seconds. how could i fix?

Im not sure what you mean. It if is at the end of the job and it just kneels down and sit there for a sec it is playing a animation and then tells you to get back in the truck. If you have a clip of what it is doing… or dm me a ip i can get on and check to see what its doing.