[EssentialMode 4] [FXServer] es_rp | _The_ Roleplay Gamemode [Beta-ish or so]

I get zero crashing and i run esm,esrp,esx,esmysql+async, cops fivem, Stream car models, plus about 2 dozen other little resources. Everything works fine for under 10 people.
Those RP servers vary in quality because literally anyone can put a server up and title it XXXXXX Police RP!!!
Lots of broken streamed car models and outdated/poorly written scripts are usually the most common reason for crashing.

Start with a fresh server folder, get all your essentialmode framework running and stable then start installing all the extra mods. We don’t save our cars but I’m sure there is a garage resource you can use with essentialmode.

Gonna add on to what trundle said but dont install multiple mods at once. Start maybe 1-2 at once and test for a min then start another 1-2 and repeat. Dont be lazy as if ones interfering your gonna be sitting there for a while disabling and re-enabling.

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bro if you could help me with understanding how to add SQL files to the database using HeidiSQL or whatever that would be awesome. The server i run off of uses MySQL over couchdb and I am just trying to get things setup to get it running.

Use navicatmysql and connect. Right click your database, select console. Then go into the sql file using notepad or notepad++ and select all the code. Then paste in console hit enter. Not sure how to use heidi though.

database being something live fivem234234 console being hmmm… confused already lol

If you have just the regular MySQL Workbench you can use this video to import a .‘sql’ script into MySQL
This youtube video is good for MySQL Workbench

I made a guide a long time ago for the old essentialmode but the MySQL installation is still relevant if you need more options.
You can find it here on the forums.

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thanks for the help. If i have any question ill inbox you my dude.

Is couchdb supported by banking? Cant withdraw, nor deposit.

banking should work for couchdb. Make sure the banking resource is in your [essential] folder.

I need some help, first of all when I use banking my game just says fails to load resource banking when I try and start up my server. Second thing is the interaction menu doesn’t open up. I hit M and nothing happens. Which is strange because I got it to open up before, is there a way to see what button I need to press/edit the button for the interation menu? If so how? Or am I just clicking the wrong button and it is not M.

If it was working before and now doesn’t work you probably need to clear your server cache or you made some bad edits to esrp. Put banking in your [essential] folder, clear your cache, and see if that works. If you made changes to the script like adding more dealers/harvest spots then undo them and try again.

its random look at your scripts and resinstall es_rp make sure to delete cach aswell

I need some help, how do increase jailtime from 1-5 minutes to 1-30 minutes?

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how do i select a job which button do i hit

my money isn’t showing up either what do i gotta do there to get that to work

So I pretty much got everything working, the money was working fine. I was able to make money. I was able to withdraw, deposit money but not transfer to anyone. Also, the job selector does not work for any job. I clicked on police while lvl 11 perm and did nothing

It works for me and I have just downloaded everything.

Are you able to select the police job? And does it say that you are police. Also are you able to actually transfer money over to other people?

Yes I can do all of that, make sure you have the database working properly.

We are using couch and essential mode works properly. I was able to even change the money from couch through essential database and it showed in game. Is there suppose to be a separate database for es_rp in couch?