[ERROR] SIGSEGV by Run server

i have this error suddenly out of nowhere…

Screen: http://prntscr.com/gjwlmf

How can i fix this?

If I try to connect the server, I do not find it in the list or manually via the IP Adress.

I have install the last net framework etc.
For this, my server did it well.



If you don’t get any ‘resources found’, and it says ‘Failed to start resource’, you didn’t ‘cd’ to the right folder.
If you get a lot of errors about citizen:/scripting/, you didn’t use run.cmd.
If nothing happens at all except ‘sending heartbeat’, you didn’t use run.cmd and failed to cd to the folder.
If no resources get started, and you can’t connect, you didn’t add +exec.
Mono errors (SIGSEGV, exception stack trace) are perfectly fine, and don’t signify any error condition.
If you get ‘Couldn’t load resource sessionmanager’ then set up IceCon and input ‘restart sessionmanager’ - Note: I found that this only happens when FXServer has just generated the cache folder, a server restart after having just generated the folder also fixes the error.
On windows, you may wish to make a cmd file in the server-data folder with the run code in for ease.

I already understood that it is “normal” that you get that error. But, as I said, I do not find the server anymore now. So I just can not do anything about it?

The log is perfectly fine, hence the

Mono errors (SIGSEGV, exception stack trace) are perfectly fine, and don’t signify any error condition.

from the wiki.

If you can’t find the server in the server list, then you should wait about 5 minutes, then it should pop up in the server list.

Yeah its work, thanks for the support!


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