Deprecating CitizenMP.Server

I have figured with the help from xander1998 that you only crash when shooting someone if you have got LambdaMenu inside your plugins. To fix this just simply remove it from Plugins. Hopefully this menu is updated soon so that we can get back to using it :slight_smile:

I am not sure if this effects the default game but it definitely crashes when shooting someone if you have a death and revive script.

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Just wanted to come out of lurking to chime in on this as i have actively been working on my own Server using FXserver as a base for the past few weeks.

Based on the replies i have read in this thread there is a lot of confusion about what exactly is FiveM and what is a resource. I see a lot of server owners and script writers acting like they need to be owed something for having to move to FXserver. The complaints are the same as they always are, ( X third-party script no longer works) It has never been the job of FIveM to maintain/check compatibility of scripts posted by the community.

Put quite simply the devs have been talking about moving us off of CitizenServer for a very long time, well before i created a account and was lurking. This is not new information, itā€™s just information you all chose to ignore.

To the FiveM dev team, Keep up the great work!

Iā€™m sorry a bunch of children on twitch/other gaming sites got you a lot of attention overnight and forced you to move faster than you would have liked to. From all of us in the shadows silently enjoying your work Thank you!


How is this even fair?

We HAVE to switch to this new platform? You should have just left CitizenMP server, and if people wanted to use this new server they could, Half of this community (RP Servers) use the old version of ES, Donā€™t you think thatā€™s a huge clue that people donā€™t want to use couchdb? Or anything similar? And now you just expect this entire community to change to this new server, change all of there resources (Most peoples resources arenā€™t even developed by them) and just work with it? If someone could explain why they couldnā€™t just leave compatibility for the old server? I mean they have it currently, Iā€™d image if they can make this platform the way it is now they shouldnā€™t have no problem leaving old versions compatible.

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Leaving the old version active is worthless. I donā€™t fully understand why everyone is upset. They have clearly stated the majority of the resources will be fine to just drag and drop. Changing to this new server is better in every way. I have not had a single issue with the new server. I donā€™t even think the FiveM community knows what they want anymore. A while back everyone was complaining about slots. They now have created a server that will support more slots easier and more. Now everyone is upset. Honestly for a modification that is free I would just go with the flow as the developers know what they are doing. Sitting here saying its unfair and all this is NOT the way to handle this. They have given everyone plenty of time to port their servers to the new one. Honestly if they wanted to be unfair they would have just told everyone ā€œALL CitizenMP Server are now blacklisted and unsupportedā€. This could have gone a lot differently.


Iā€™d imagine itā€™s to get more support and testing for their new server. Also once they make a switch to their new server network layer Iā€™d imagine your old citizen would be completely unplayable anyways. Also the new server doesnā€™t force you to use couchDB.

If youā€™re still using an old EM then you should move on any ways. I know it sucks but thatā€™s the author of the plugins wishes as heā€™s developing for couch currently and doesnā€™t want his older versions distributed. Also since itā€™s depreciated could you imagine the nightmare of having to answer questions on why citizen is having errors and not fx. If you look at some of these script topics the authors seem tired of answering some questions over and over so I could imagine how the mod makers would feel.

Iā€™d say just have faith and adapt man. I had the same issue when I got into minecraft servers back in their infancy. You either adapt to the changes and go with the flow or you get frustrated and burnt out.

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The only real issue anyone will face is if they are using Essential Mode 2.*.

Most scripts take 10 seconds to convert to FX.

But if you are using Essential Mode 2.* You have some work to do.


Hey! Will the most basic scripts from the CitizenMP server work on FXServer?

Please read aboveā€¦

I need help to port to essentialmode 4, what info you need to give me some help?

Wow. The devs have to put up with a lot of shit. Sorry guys. Good work, the new platform looks amazing!


You can use my discord to DM me so I can help you quicker.

They should, all my scripts from the resources I had on CitizenMP seem to work completely fine on FXServer.

I wonder, why did you had a download link to the CitizenMP server up until now on the main page and then suddently deprecated it?

They probably just forgot to remove it right away. Its fixed now.

This definitely sounds frustrating at first but it makes sense. It has to be done. There is way too much discontinuity in the dev community and it helps if weā€™re actually forced into this system. No progress will be made if archaic systems are allowed to live.

its just sucks most great scripts need to be ported to CouchDB and I need to suffer for it because of it, so far thereā€™s not a great framework I cant start maybe I look into vrp or Kaner essential game mode but I wish there be more improvements in those frameworks that people can switch overā€¦

Hey man, I am very new to this. I am also very confused with the documentation that FiveM gave us. I would really appreciate it if you could send me an email with a guide at .
Thank you,

It is late right now but pm me and i will indeed send you a guide.

You mind shooting me that guide over too bud? I am running CFX essentials so its gonna be a monster to tackle solo. Will read through the documentation in the wiki as well, just dropped a huge update tonight. Gonna take a day off and look into switching over, but if you are making a guide would love to see what you have. The more documentation the better!

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So as someone who streams using FiveM stuff, seeing all the hate in here is disappointing. You have a TON of people who enjoy this mod on a daily basis and honestly, I now have something to look forward to after I come home from workā€¦

I realize that playing is different from devvingā€¦ but I wanted to post because i read the occasional thread to see whatā€™s changing and I want to make sure that FiveM and Server Devs know that myself, my stream, my friends and the rest of us absolutely appreciate and love the work youā€™re doing.